Dude, my dream pedals are iron cobras
the first time i played on a double pedal it was one... dude... it makes thunders and feels like butter!!
I've never tried heel-toing, because my pedals SUCK big time (actually my left foot pedal is broken

i'm the only one i know that can play it like it was a regular one

Pulling a nicko mcbrain, lemme explain why i call it that
nicko uses only 1 pedal, and sometimes he plays notes fast as hell, it sounds like he's using double pedals. I don't know if i do it like him, but i ended up this technique when i was listening to a lot of maiden and tried to do triplets with 1 foot only, like he did some times.
What i do is "locking" my feet with my legs muscles, creating a tension to the BACK (opposite to the strike's direction), but at the same time i create the same ammount of tension to the FRONT (on the direction of the pedal).
So my feet get on this tensionate state. All i have to do is letting loose a bit of tension of my "backward" movement, and quickly put it again, then letting loose again etc.
So i kinda "spasm" my foot to the pedal.
When i started playing on 2 bassdrums, i started practising that coordinating 2 feet, so i can get to do fast triplets with minimum effort
and that's what i call "pulling a nicko mcbrain"