Jaska's pedal configuration! Thnx.


New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2004
I am curious to know what is Jaska's pedal configuration (spring tension, how close beater is to batterhead) and what pedal he actually uses.
Then, does he uses heel/toe (I dont like it.) technique or fuckin SINGLE STROKES all the wa or doublestrokes?
If Jaska himself could answer this that would be fucking increidably amazing!!! cuz I'm reading that the band members actually come to this forum, I am amazed. :loco:

Next, COB please come to South America, CHILE!!! the metal community is growing aggressively believe or not, hahhahahhahaha, if its not to much to ask for. hehehhehhehehehhe :loco:

Thanks. :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Children of Bodom is simply the... Fuckin Best.
dude, i don't know if there's all that tech info anywhere (tension, beater, etc)
but he always uses double pedals and by the videos i have seen, he uses his heel ups while stroking as he would on a regular position (he presses with the front of his feet)

and that's about all i know :p
Well I know that at least. Of course he uses a doublepedal, I play drums myself!
Oh well, I thought so too man.
Whatever, I stick to my configuration since its the one that fits me the best, although I change it every 30 minutes into playin!! hahhaahahha.

thanks for responding so fast. awesome community.
Well, I guess because of the fact that you lose so much power on the second hit. I prefer playin clean single strokes, although it takes more effort it is better in my opinion obviously.

sorry for considering gay, I just thought some of you would also. Anyways, I guess its jsut the technique that bothers me.
Maybe YOU lose power on the second hit, but anyone who has play'd with the technique longer than 11 minutes would disagree with your statement.
VaroaMiettiäShakma said:
yea thats kinda hard to figure out i have 2 dw 7000 i just keep the same position and tenwion that they were at out of the box, have no problem iwithit. Its impossible playing heel/toe, who doesnt play heel up!?
nope it's not.

but it's not :p

Just take a few tapdancing lessons and you're up for it :D
I must admit that www.Scythes-Of-Bodom.com is in fact the best Children of Bodom fansite out their. I love it. I also love the picture of Jaska's drumset, uff, can't stop admiring it.

Anyways, I mastered Heel/Toe technique a long time ago, too 100%perfection. I soon came to realize that my foot ability/technique was not going anywhere by just using this technique, my doublestrokes (without HeelToe) where shit. I began to play without using Heel/Toe and I have noticed a great increase in foot power and speed, although I lost the technique.

Vladimirironcobra said:
I must admit that www.Scythes-Of-Bodom.com is in fact the best Children of Bodom fansite out their. I love it. I also love the picture of Jaska's drumset, uff, can't stop admiring it.

Anyways, I mastered Heel/Toe technique a long time ago, too 100%perfection. I soon came to realize that my foot ability/technique was not going anywhere by just using this technique, my doublestrokes (without HeelToe) where shit. I began to play without using Heel/Toe and I have noticed a great increase in foot power and speed, although I lost the technique.

then i take my hat off for you man!

rumours say that there's a guy that can play heel/toe so damn fast he can do it much faster than the blasts on SNBN :p
I finally figured out that Jaska uses single strokes.
How did I find this out? By looking at hte live tuska video about 215312532 times!

So fuckin awesome Fuckin rules at doublepedal :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :hotjump: :hotjump:
If you want to hear some interesting bass drum stuff, see Virgil Donati. His main band nowdays is Planet X. For example Dog Boots, tempo must be over 200, 16th double strokes heel down for almost 4 minutes... Crazy!

I'm not very good at maths but i tried to count the approximal amount of strokes in that song an i got something a bit under 4000...
I've playing teh drums 7 years and I always find heel-toe is better unless I'm playing stupidly fast on double pedals...
You can clearly see how Jaska uses singlestroke, extremely fast. I admire him.

Triplets with heel/toe are extremely easy when compared with heel-up/down.
You just pull of a heel/toe and add a singlestroke right away, but it sounds sort of weird.

I play 100% heel-up, I never felt comfortable with heel down.

Its all about practice, I can do my doublestrokes like 95% as fast as I did heeltoe. Its hard, but I think its worth it.

I agree with Tut Ankh Amon about pulling triplets with doublepedal, its much easier IMO and it sounds awesome (Deadnight Warrior, Live Tokyo).

BodomH8Breeder said he uses a doublepedal Pearl Eliminator which is the Iron Cobras competition. But honestly, I bet Jaska can pull of his amazingly fast doublepedal speed with any pedal, its just practice.
Vladimirironcobra said:
I am curious to know what is Jaska's pedal configuration (spring tension, how close beater is to batterhead) and what pedal he actually uses.
If I remember right, he has DW 9000 pedals and set the beater really close to batterhead (~1-2cm), so there is really short loosing time when returning beater into main position. So this can prevent fast speed...

PS: Iron Cobra 900 > DW 9000 :worship: