Java applet question


Return of Ganon
Oct 30, 2002
Twin Cities, MN
Hey for all the web geeks out there, I have a question.

I have this applet that takes in data from a database through PHP and then it draws a graph from those parameters on the screen. It worked perfect on my development equipment. But when I uploaded it to the web and I am viewing it with another computer, (I cannot hook up my development machine to the web) It just says <classname> not found.
It is a bunch of crap, because it is a simple applet and it is just one class, and there is no need for "codebase" because it is in the same directory as the php file. Everything is setup the same as it is on my development machine.

I think it may be because I compiled with J2SE 1.4.1 and this piece of crap...all the pieces of crap here probably have something ancient like Java 1.1.8

I cannot install anything new because of lack of administrator rights.

Should I try compiling with older versions of Java?

Fucking Java is the king of Anal languages.
Sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it...right now...
JAVA applets with .class files are almost always contingent upon the browser. Are you using IE? If you are, be sure that all the JAVA boxes are checked in preferences. Also, only .class files that are used on servers such as Geocities, Angelfire, etc. require the use of a pathway into a specific folder. Others do not. Sounds like a browser incompatibility problem to me. Good luck. They can be a real pain.
Well, it sounds pretty simple. Because old Windows implementation of Java was only at 1.1, I would try going down to 1.1.

And, have a look at how you can alter your HTML-page so that it will automatically install the needed JRE for your applet.
Originally posted by Polyeidus
Well, it sounds pretty simple. Because old Windows implementation of Java was only at 1.1, I would try going down to 1.1.

And, have a look at how you can alter your HTML-page so that it will automatically install the needed JRE for your applet.

I will try that for automatic installation, it would not do any good here, since no one has administrator rights, we cannot install anything, I cannot even install a flash player plugin for god's sake!

Thanks for the help!

I do like Java too, on the whole, some of it annoys me sometimes though. If I have to write Integer.parseInt one more time I swear I'll... :mad:
I compiled with JDK1.1.8 and it works now, so its all good!
Thanks for the suggestion Poly! ...I have something for you in return...would you like a cracker? :grin:
BTW, this forum rules. I wouldn't have bothered posting this question on any other forums except this one. Because I know that people here are cool, intelligent, and willing to help.
Thanks again!