JCM 900 + which cab for metal?


Apr 30, 2009
London, UK
Hey everyone,

I'm looking to sort out my guitar amp setup for recordings. I've had a JCM 900 Dual Reverb for a few years now, and whilst I like it I know its not a 'metal' amp if you know what I mean.

I'd rather not sell it as it gives me more tonal variation for recording different genres, but I don't yet have a cabinet for it, so my question is, are there any specific cabs that will give me a more metally tone? From my understanding a cab with Celestion vintage 30's is the way to go, so I'm thinking of the Blackstar Artisan 2 x 12 at the moment.

Any advice would be great :)

Which exact subgenre of metal do you want ?

IMHO JCM 900 boosted with some TS or TS clone can sound very metal but more heavy than death or black.
Mesa cabinets are always a great bet. They're built well and have slightly different vintage30s in them than other amps with the same speakers.

I've always played my marshall (TSL100) through my 1960a cab and it's sounded fine however.
Yeah I just read about recabinet on here, but I'm a bit skeptical about modelling software, even if its IR's. Can you vouch that Recabinet is any good?

I'm actually in the process of building a tube screamer, so whatever I get I guess that will give it a nice mid boost. I'm leaning towards that 2x12 Blackstar still! Mesa is out of my price range, I thought about the Orange PPC112, but thats 60watt and my head is 100watt, meaning I couldn't crank the volume to get that power amp saturated sound. I guess I'm leaning less towards 4x12's because I guess I figure I don't need 4 speakers :erk:

Oh and Mutant, which sub-genre? I want that supertight, polished sound, think Killswitch, August Burns Red, All That Remains etc
I can definitely speak highly of recabinet. I am not a very experienced producer/engineer compared to many of the guys here, but it's definitely a good, complete, versatile, extensive, well put together product. Especially now since the modern one is available, you get plenty more microphones and positions, etc.

You might want to check out Vader cabinets. I've heard they are quite affordable and built like tanks.
Oh and Mutant, which sub-genre? I want that supertight, polished sound, think Killswitch, August Burns Red, All That Remains etc

Honestly I don't think the Dual-reverbs can get you there with any cabinet.

There are also lots of free impulses to try out. Guitarhack's, Metaltastic's, and Catharsis' are badass!
get a marshall 1960 lead slanted cab, if you want a little more bass get the straight version. and dont get a 4 x 10, there just too weak sounding, get a 4 x 12
considering you havent used it with a cabinet, how do you know it sounds any good??

I thought the variety in tone was crap with my exact same one. However the clean tone was surprisingly nice for a Marshall. I used it through a standard 1960A at the time:
http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/369408/JCM900EL34S DBL.mp3

id say ditch the amp in light of something that sounds nicer and is more versitile!
I have used it with a cab tonnes of times in recording and live, but don't own one. I've used a 1960s cab, which did give me fairly high gain, nice, wild sound (check here for the results - www.myspace.com/giantsfall) but not the one I'm looking for.

My budget is around £350-400

I think I'll check out the impulse response software and see what cab works, one thing I think I'll be going with is V30s. An interesting idea from preampdude there with the 75s and V30s. I am able to build my own cab but I'm not great with woodwork so it would look awful!

If worse comes to worse I will be forced to sell the 900 and buy a 5150... Any thoughts?
If worse comes to worse I will be forced to sell the 900 and buy a 5150... Any thoughts?

That would be the smartest thing you could do. :lol:

The SL-X is a million times better than the dual reverb. Would hardly even put them in the same class of amp.

Seriously though.
Cheers for the welcome :) it does seem like a brilliant forum, so useful!

Ah man so many options for my guitar setup, I'm now leaning towards the 5150 although it'll be sad to see my 900 go.

Just a quick couple questions about the 5150:

1. I've heard its very noisy, is this true?
2. How versatile is it?

Thanks again everyone :)
Eh, it's noisy in the sense that when you're not playing, it's got a decent amount of omnipresent "FWWWSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH"; personally I don't really mind, but a noise gate in the loop would easily remedy that. And versatile it is NOT: the two channels IMO are slightly different flavors of the same sound at varying gain levels, forget about having a decent clean channel (though it is possible if you plug your guitar into the low-gain input and use the green channel with crunch off and the preamp gain ridiculously low - it'll sound dull and lifeless, but it'll at least have *some* headroom), so just something to keep in mind!

Oh, and I personally like the Dual Rectifier more than the 5150 (and it's definitely more versatile), but if you're not in the US you have to be made of money to afford one!
ahh the dual reverb...


(with valves in it)