Jeff Loomis guest appearance


Complete Bastard
Sep 8, 2001
I thought that it was probably most appropriate to post here first that Jeff played on the new Pamela Moore album that I just finished mixing, and in fact have been producing on and off (based on Pam's touring schedule with the Queensryche lads) since early July last year.

Originally, Jeff wasn't available in our initial session time slot to do the rhythm tracks, so we decided to try to catch up with him later in the year (this last December in fact, after Nevermore's touring also wound down) so he could do the solo gtrs. We sent him the material early so he could go over it and he dug it so much that we ended up making the decision to rerecord the rhythm gtrs with him as well, and gave us the inimitable Loomis groove on the tracks. Wonderful job all round actually. I think there will be many people out there that will really enjoy what he gave to this project.

At one point in the proceedings Warrel was also very kindly going to make a guest appearance on a track, but in the end scheduling didn't allow it to materialise. Thanks for your interest anyway Warrel!

:headbang: :headbang:
NK said:
Pam sings with Queensryche. She first appeared with them on Operation Mindcrime I believe.

Yes, she's "Sister Mary". Incredible record with excellent musicianship all the way around!
Hey, Neil, what can we expect? Whats it sound like genre wise? I love her singing on Mindcrime so i'm sure it'll be good regardless. Thanks for the info! When's the release date?
No official release date as yet. The album has a lot of different flavours, some heavy, others more bluesy or hard rock, moody etc. It really doesn't fall into one category at all.
NK said:
No official release date as yet. The album has a lot of different flavours, some heavy, others more bluesy or hard rock, moody etc. It really doesn't fall into one category at all.

Okay! Thanks. :) I just wanted the general idea anyway and that works out fine. What label? Self released? Sorry for all the questions, I was gonna see if it's pre-orderable at my local store when the release date is set.
Lots of things in fact. The new Tapping the Vein is in progress, still vocals and mix to do on that. I'm currently in the middle of tracking the new Ion Vein (Chicago band), also Aesma Daeva (Wisconsin/Minnesota band) and also an as yet un-named project here in Chicago. Got a number of other things coming up too...more info will follow as projects solidify. The new Degree Absolute just came out on Sensory, plus the reissue of the classic "lost" Torture album from 1988 that I remixed comes out this month. Also, I recently mixed the new Sickening Horror album (the band that George Kollias, new drummer from Nile, plays in in Greece). That album is off to be mastered this week. New album from the Australian band Bugdust to come out soon I hope - that's about to go to mastering as well.
The Sickening Horror album sounds quite interesting, and I adore Nile's drumming. Is it in a similar vein to Nile, or much different?

I might pick up a few of those disks when they come out. *mental note*
The SH is crazy. The drumming is insane as expected, but the songwriting is very cool. I'd sort of compare it to Gorguts with flashes of Les Claypool on bass. Amazing players in the band and truly a distinctive style.

Upon re-reading what I wrote, my description really doesn't do it justice at all. It's really not like anything else I've ever heard to be honest, but it's awesome. Tech death metal..jazz-fusion..wacky's good stuff.
I don't suppose your in any way clued in as to when that may be released then? I think I shall definately add it to my buy list, it sounds damn interesting.
Sorry, I don't. I'll post details as they emerge, or you can visit my forum here on UM if you like. I'm sure that album will garner some comments and interest.