I've been meaning to check out Andromeda, I heard one of their tunes, I think it was "Reaching Deep Within" and I remember thinking two things:
1. This guitar playing is so damn precise
2. Since when is prog this catchy?
I've been meaning to check out a lot of stuff...
For anyone interested in purchasing the cd, I just recently set up PayPal ordering, but I figured I'd take this opportunity to plug MetalAges.com since the cd will also be available there too...
I don't really care about where you buy it, money-wise I don't care either, money is not really an issue, what i care about, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, is that you have a copy of this to hold in your hands and to be able to hear this music, that it physically makes its way to you,
I'm not in this for whatever fame there is, I'm in this because I want people to hear the music.
I know this sounds fake and corny, but this is the deal hehe.
Thanks again for all the awesome comments,