Jesper quits In Flames

Is there any chance that In Flames will ever be invited to play at a future PPUSA Weekend event?

Why would they be?

If there is, do any of you wish to sponsor them in such an endeavour?

I think if anyone was willing to "sponsor" In Flames it wouldn't be openly discussed here on the forum.

7thSaviour, have you been drinking the Kool Aid today buddy? :)

This is a very incorrect statement.

Patrick Rafling was a great asset. Anders is a mediocre fill in, and began their downfall from impressive songwriting into average, good-enough boredom.

Not to mention the fact that I don't find Glory To The Brave to be their best album at all. It's good, hell, it's great, but not their best. I love Legacy of Kings and Crimson Thunder, above all else.
That is why I love this forum, its the ProgPower forum yet there are so many of you that love other stuff outside of those genres. I don't know if this is the correct place for this sort of thing, but I would definitely sponsor Jesper for playing with Hammerfall or Dimension Zero as long as he comes with them :) Maybe Dim Zero could be a showcase band sometime. My guess though, is that Jesper won't be doing any touring period for awhile.
Anders is a mediocre fill in...

Ehmmm, Anders is one of the very best drummers in metal! His skills are way beyond anything Hammerfall would ever need him for, but the guy can play with the best of them. He's totally on the level of Portnoy and those guys.

Check out some of his jazz and fusion stuff if you don't believe me.

Ehmmm, Anders is one of the very best drummers in metal! His skills are way beyond anything Hammerfall would ever need him for, but the guy can play with the best of them. He's totally on the level of Portnoy and those guys.

Check out some of his jazz and fusion stuff if you don't believe me.
That's just it; with musicians outside the technical sub-genres, you never know who has crazy chops, but is playing more simplistic stuff, simply because it fits the song better.
