Jester Rade artwork


New Metal Member
Dec 21, 2005
Does anyone have a picture of the artwork inside the Jester Race booklet?

I have Black Ash Inheritance so I never picked up JR, but I'd like to see the album art (besides the cover). Thanks.
Kharne said:
Does anyone have a picture of the artwork inside the Jester Race booklet?

I have Black Ash Inheritance so I never picked up JR, but I'd like to see the album art (besides the cover). Thanks.
Why the hell don't you buy it? Black Ash and TJR have nothing in common.
Kharne said:
Does anyone have a picture of the artwork inside the Jester Race booklet?

I have Black Ash Inheritance so I never picked up JR, but I'd like to see the album art (besides the cover). Thanks.

You have Black Ash Inheritance, but never picked up the Jester Race? Nice work, retard.