JFAC - DOOM - Details Mark?!?!?!

Hah, I never realised Tony was now in JFAC, but a quick look on wikipedia does indeed confirm...
Oh Hai guize.

Mark wasn't involved with this.
I remember all about it cause it was only a week of recording.

I'm surprised I havent got more death threats to be honest...Haters everywhere haha.:erk::lol:
Oh Hai guize.

Mark wasn't involved with this.
I remember all about it cause it was only a week of recording.

I'm surprised I havent got more death threats to be honest...Haters everywhere haha.:erk::lol:

What! I didn't know you were JFAC. I was at the video shoot for unfurling a darkened gospel in philly. One of the most fun nights of my life
Oh Hai guize.

Mark wasn't involved with this.
I remember all about it cause it was only a week of recording.

I'm surprised I havent got more death threats to be honest...Haters everywhere haha.:erk::lol:

post it up! Details!!!

I'll admit that I was not a fan at all up through Genesis, but Ruination and this new EP have made me a BIG fan of the band as it stands now. I can only imagine the new blood since the Genesis days has been VERY positive.
Cool man, didn't know you were now a full-time member, I thought you just filled in for shows or something.

Digging what I heard of the new stuff, as always mad riffage.
I hadn't made this connection yet either. Cool gig man!

I haven't jammed the tracks yet but Nick said he had a good time down there and that the songs were sweet.

Dude. Yeah. Denver rules. Nick is the man. I didn't make the connection you knew him hahaah.

What details do you want?

I've been with JFACE since November.

Amp is 51502 into a custom screamer. Ibanez RG prestige from the early 2000's that is owned by Jason's guitar tech dude Jeremy with PAF Pro pickups. Dual tracked. Every instrument was done in a day. SUPER rushed.
Pretty much DID IT LIVE.

Solos were all made up in studio through improv and then re doing the good stuff as I've always done. Contrary to what you read on sites, that is me playing the leads hahha. Not Jason as some people have seemed to think.

It;s good to hear SOME people like it. I know the history I know it's a mega haterade band but the dudes are rad and I'm having fun.
I've been with JFACE since November.

It;s good to hear SOME people like it. I know the history I know it's a mega haterade band but the dudes are rad and I'm having fun.

Dude, this is brutal! Fuck the haters. Haters gonna hate lol. Since Genesis, JFAC is pure awesomeness! Yeah I like this band alot. :headbang:
For fuck sake I started listening deathcore because JFAC and hardly find some bands that I love so much as JFAC!
Loved EVERY ONE song... just nonstop jizzzzzzz....Only seeing entombment of machine video fucked much of my point of view (cos that emo look)
Heaven't heard more than Doom and Genesis, because not everything get to our stores.
Amp is 51502 into a custom screamer.... don't get it... amp into tube screamer and not screamer into amp/ or amp into some kind other screamer? (sorry for noobish question)
WTF :S I'm actually loving this!!! What happened :p last time I actively listened to any JFAC I wanted to knife myself... great job guys!