JFAC - DOOM - Details Mark?!?!?!

Nah Tony took Bobby Thompson's spot in JFAC. So he is playing guitar

Ha, I'm so confused...I didn't realize Bobby had quit as well as the bass player. Good ol' wikipedia has Tony listed as replacing the bass player, and nothing about Thompson, although a quick look today it says both thompson and the bass player have left, but still lsits Tony as the bass player in the first paragraph. Wierd that this group has had so much turnover. Ruination was killer, and this new EP sounds killer as well, though, so the new blood is definitely having positive impact.
I didn't play bass. Wiki is retarded. I play guitar hahaha. I played the leads and a shit ton of rhythm guitars.

Bobby is a great dude and one of our best friends. He just didn't want to be in a band anymore. That's all I'll say on the subject.

I've never had a blue EC-1000 so I don 't know what got into your cornflakes bud.
So do you guys have a full time bassist now?

This new stuff sounds sooooo goood. Hope to see you on tour, man. Good job on all fronts.

I definitely can hear the rawness in everything, but it all sounds killer, I think it works in favor of the songs and material.
Yeah dude, I hate to feel like I need to "explain" everything but this was just a quick EP we wanted to have fun with. It's fast and it's supposed to be crusty and gross. The full length we are working on now will have more to it....

We've been playing and touring with Nick from Cephalic.
Wasnt around for this one... i was in detroit producing the black dahlia record... jay was quite stoked on everything though. I think it rips myself. Good job there tony, jason spoke very highly of you once i got back.

He said you could outshred the both of us and that you drank even more protein than i do :lol:

Oh and he said you had good vibrato too... which is gold in the studio! We cherish that believe me.

And guys that "rawness" you hear... thats the sound of a real band playing... and a drummer who doesnt need editing like crazy. The same goes for black dahlia. We can actually turn off the grid for people like this...
The real question is were you on a bulking or cutting cycle during the recording and what your supplement regimen is like right now.
This best part of this recording his how raw it sounds. This is what metal should sound like! Reminds me of Price of Existence with just epic shredding and the vocals sounds so raw and in your face as well. Don't overproduce your full length.
man, sure is good to hear new jfac!

i think ruination was a step down from genesis, not by a huge amount, but i found myself listening to genesis more..!

this is certainly a marked improvement over ruination though, can't wait to have the EP myself, and to hear the full length ;)

I was on a bulk when recording...
Right now I'm just trying to lean out a bit.
Supps now are Multi, Dymatize Elite powder and I'm taking a rando preworkout for lulz.

Eating on tour is easy. The hard part is getting in quality workouts.
I was on a bulk when recording...
Right now I'm just trying to lean out a bit.
Supps now are Multi, Dymatize Elite powder and I'm taking a rando preworkout for lulz.

Eating on tour is easy. The hard part is getting in quality workouts.

Got a door, got a gym ;)

We take resistance bands in the bus.