Jhva Elohim Meth??


New Metal Member
Oct 3, 2002
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People, is there really no place from where i could
buy Jhva Elohim Meth (revival or not ;) )
i can find Saw You Drown even, but is Jhva Elohim Meth
truly sold out from the whole goddamn world???
Jhva Elohim Meth is actually a damn lot more common than Saw You Drown. The reason you won't find it on auctions too often is that it's not so rare as to encourage people hoping for ridiculous prices to auction it. I would say it's uncommon, as opposed to rare. Given some time, you should be able to find it on some auction, and for a decent price (compared to SYD at least).
have you got any idea
of any finnish online store,
where i could buy one...
i tried all the links at katatonia.com links section,
i tried spine and swampmusic...
I think it's sold out. So you can't find it in record stores. Only second hand record stores might have it (I've visited Swamp Second Hand in weekly basis for last five years and haven't found Jhva Elohim Meth nor Saw You Drown). So best place to find it is Ebay.

Btw where did you find Saw You Drown. I would very much like to get one myself.;)
Originally posted by discomphort
have you got any idea
of any finnish online store,
where i could buy one...
i tried all the links at katatonia.com links section,
i tried spine and swampmusic...

The last time I looked, both Juke Boss (www.jukeboss.com) and Swampmusic (www.swampmusic.com) had the limited to 500 copies blue 10"-vinyl edition of Jhva, released by Hammerheart Vinyl Collector's. Juke Boss had it for 12,50, methinks. But if you're only interested in the cd, well, tough luck, it is pretty much sold out now, and getting rarer and rarer each passing day.
J.E.M. is up for sale on eBay all the time. It IS sold out but it should not be too hard to find a copy. It's a lot easier (and cheaper) to get than "Saw You Drown". I bought my copy of J.E.M. in a big record store that had the CD in their "special offers" section. Keep looking. :)
A -not-so-important- detail is that Jhva Elohim Meth was re-released on 12'' ep blue vinyl, at least mine is 12'' not 10''..........
The original version of Jhva on MCD is very rare and it's nowhere to be found as far as I know.....
Is there a "Jhva Elohim Meth" and a "Jhva Elohim Meth...the revival"?
btw, is it Anders who does the backing vocals in " the norther sky"?
hmmm.. Well, here in germany you can find the IHVA ELOHIM METH very often in EBAY !! But of course the SAW YOU DROWN MCD is unreachable :---(

hehe, is there anyone with a COMPLETE collection of KATATONIA releases?? :-))

I have everything, including the 10" with Primordial, all releases as LP/pic LP, the W.A.R. Compilation Sampler... blabla
and 4 Concerts on vhs Tape.. But there is NO chance to get this SAW YOU DROWN CD..

I can remember when it was released I didnt knew that it was limited, so I thought to myself that I have enough time to buy it later.. hmm.. bad Idea I guess..

ONCE I saw SAW YOU DROWN in EBAY. A guy from USA sold it there. The price reached 211 $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That was really to crazy for a MCD.. Even of Katatonia..
hehe, is there anyone with a COMPLETE collection of KATATONIA releases?? :-))

Yes.:grin: ;) :p

Well, except for the JEM tapes and the vinyl versions of DODS and BMD. But what the heck...;)

ONCE I saw SAW YOU DROWN in EBAY. A guy from USA sold it there. The price reached 211 $ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, that happens all the time. But I know for a fact that SYD has sold for 36 and 50 Euro before. :grin:
Firstly, yeah, my mistake, the Jhva vinyl is indeed a 12", not a 10" as I erroneusly stated.

Secondly, one would think it shouldn't be _that_ difficult to get a hold of a copy of the original Jhva... demo, since there were 400 copies made -- according to Avantgarde Music, that is. Taking in consideration that the split 10" with Primordial is limited to 777 copies, and I have that one (and I also have Saw You Drown; offtopic, yeah, but I want my 15 minutes), so it shouldn't be impossible. Gotta start diggin'.
no problem, ether: i'll find something in a second hand music shop here in milan. there's so many places i haven't still checked out. be sure something i'll be able to find :)
hehe, is there anyone with a COMPLETE collection of KATATONIA releases?? :-)[/QUOTE]

:cool: Well, guess I´m quite near... (Take a look at What does your Katatonia collection consist of - topic)
NOW at tHIS moment you can find IHVA ELOHIM METH in german Ebay!! www.ebay.de

Price - 15 Euro ...

And another auction of this MCD will end in seven days..

If someone is totally crazy to want that release, then check Ebay! Or I can buy it for you and send it to where-ever you live!

Katatonia fans United :-)))))) !!!!!