Jim Root Tele [Experiences?]


Jan 11, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
Today I started tracking a Drop B metalcore band and I was supposed to have a heap of guitars to choose from and play but unfortunatley due to flooding in Brisbane, only 2 showed up.

We had a Jim Root Telecaster and an Ibanez-rg321-Stock pickups(Quite a cheap guitar).

so I did a quick shoot out. played the same riff on each of the guitars and did a blind test with the main guy in the band.

Suprised to say but the Ibanez with stock pickups truley sounded better for the style of music. The Jim Root had terrible note definition and was REALLY muddy. For this style of music it didn't suit at all, just way to warm. For DJENT I'd see this becoming valuble(MAYBE) and even for alternative rock.

If I can get them to bring it back next week, I'll post A/B Clips.

I remember seeing some members here buy the tele so whats your experience with the Jim Root tele? I had wanted one but definatley not anymore and thats a promise.
Got myself a used one in flat white a week ago.
Doing harder Rockstuff (Drop C -> 5150).

Playability & workmanship (also tested a bad one out of 3) is great (not much worser than my 3000€ Framus), but one thing I can't stand are these teribble EMG81s. :hotjump:

I think these PUs makes it a bit uncontrollable to me & I'm not at Gain Central. ;-)

Don't know if swapping the PUs would make sense.


On the other hand, for about 500-600 € used it's a no brainer.

Cheers, Markus.
Well, go with what sounds best to you... But personally, I'm quite surprised by your findings. Having first hand experience with both guitars, I found the stock pick-ups in the Ibby to sound painfully hollow in comparison. The Root Tele shaped up to be the perfect metal guitar for me (even dropped my Caparison in favour of them). That mahogany + EMG combination is like a safe bet. But who knows... maybe there was an issue with the one you tried... or you simply don't dig that kind of sound. :)
Like they say, it would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing.

I traded a EC-1000 in for the Jim Root tele and I love the thing.
After 30 years of playing various guitars I can say this is one of the best I have played. Thats not saying the others were shite, just that this guitar fits perfect for my style.
Whilst I enjoyed the playability of this guitar and obviously the palm mutes sounded huge. But I think once it got to the breakdowns, taming that low mid/mud would have been a bitch.

(Totally should have hit you up Marshy but we have already done close to 3 full songs. so I really don't wish to restart)
I think these PUs makes it a bit uncontrollable to me & I'm not at Gain Central.

81's are by far not the strongest pups out there.

The sound is pretty clean, even with high gain settings on the amp.

For me it is def the most controllable pup outthere, cause you're able to shape the sound nicely with your amp EQ.
(Of course the charakter stays(in a good way;)))