Job beside the music


Scaldic Art
Jan 11, 2002
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I have a question to Vintersorg
Do you live only of music or have you a job beside all your bands and sideprojects?
Maybe it it a stupid question but I know great bands who have a job beside the music because not many people buy their albums.
I would like to "decapitate" a myth here, nearly noone in metal music can live of being musicians, well we could be on the road all the time living for free, but it hardly generates any money, so those who think that we have a wealthy living are very,very wrong, i bet all you in this forum earn more than me(the music does´nt give me much) but here in Sweden we have this kind of unemployment safteynet, so i have worked before so i get some small amount of money from the goverment. The thing is that i hardly have time to have a full job(four bands where i write material in all of ém as are managing two)

But soon i have to find some work, but then i can´t write as much music and tour as we do now, so it´s a very stressed situation.
And Even bigger bands in the neo/punk metal style have problems
a band like Blink 182 who sells alot of album did´nt get a singel quarter until they had sold 1000 000 albums, that´s the state of the music business today.
Wow, it it hard to understand that you play in so many bands, compose songs of some of them, play live and a job.
You must be very busy all the time!! I am impressed.
Originally posted by Vintersorg
I would like to "decapitate" a myth here, nearly noone in metal music can live of being musicians, well we could be on the road all the time living for free, but it hardly generates any money, so those who think that we have a wealthy living are very,very wrong, i bet all you in this forum earn more than me(the music does´nt give me much) but here in Sweden we have this kind of unemployment safteynet, so i have worked before so i get some small amount of money from the goverment. The thing is that i hardly have time to have a full job(four bands where i write material in all of ém as are managing two)

But soon i have to find some work, but then i can´t write as much music and tour as we do now, so it´s a very stressed situation.
And Even bigger bands in the neo/punk metal style have problems
a band like Blink 182 who sells alot of album did´nt get a singel quarter until they had sold 1000 000 albums, that´s the state of the music business today.

Knowing about this fact that most bands can't live from being a musician gives them my deepest respect, no matter if I like the music and artist or not. And knowing this fact made me writing my point of view about CD dubs sells in the Live Vintersorg thread.

I wish you all the best for your music career Andreas and hope you'll find a suitable job, that gives you a great opportunity for song writing / recording and touring.

Edit: heehee no typos, just couldn't write as fast as it post off ;)
yeah Sweden is such a socialist country... here we have disabled people eeking their way through life

we have a capitalist and market force night-mare... :(
plus corruption!

b.t.w. I work in a lunatic asylum
If you don't mind me asking, I was wondering what a man like yourself does for work Vintersorg besides music? . I always think my life is very busy with school and then some hours of work each day after making tags for the military, pets, etc.

I sure hope the job search goes well so you can find something to do you like, and have a bit less stress on yourself.
well that's a pain in the ass for sure....
the Dark Tranquillity guys have to work too... I guess all you guys should get an artist aid or something....but I guess then everybody would get a band....that's our great mankind!
Even Fredrik (x DT) left the band because he had offered a great job he couldn't refuse....
that's sad considering the amount of hours needed and so, normaly you guys have to do this shitty jobs (on of Amon Amarth builds houses) so you can go on composing and's a shame!
and what it's shamer is that ppl like Enrique Iglesias who the nearest to a guitar he has been is for photoshooting....are getting this big loads of money...I just can't understand!
The mahority decide who's gonna survive... It's a shame, but it's the way it is... :cry: My deepest respect for Andreas.

At least, ppl who listen to metal should BUY the music instead of downloading it or something. Don't know if there would be to great a difference, but it's something, isn't it..? And I really wouldn't mind to pay a little more for the cd's if that would help the artists.... Well, that's thoughts (that sounded very naive), but to make it work in the real world.... I don't know
Yeah, I agree to the fullest, and I am glad that there are ppl out there that is burning for music and therfore are prepared to set their own natural demands of having a safe life aside, just to bring out the great music we all love...
And I must say that I have much respect for a man that have done soo much in so little time! Four Vintersorg albums, two Otyg, one Havayoth and one Borknagar; About to release a Vintersorg and an Otyg and is it and Havayoth too? Pheew, have you got time to even breath inbetween?
my undivided respect for both Andreas and Mattias. The fact that you can do the quality work you guys do, even not getting paid much for it, is just amazing. Thats why underground metal is so fuckin good, its pure. Its for the love of the art, and I can safely say Vintersorg does this for the art, because his music is pure art, more power to ya guys!
yeah I heard its a remx CD due out in the fall or something, also heard something about a.......fuck i cant remember the know where the CD has a minds blank........forget it, thats due out in 2003. :rock:
I remember this thread made me gain a new respect for Mr. V, and it still amazes me that he's able to do his job, work in his different projects (in the studio & on stage) doing a great job... (and even have time to answer our (stupid) questions :p ) ... it's just amazing. :)
Originally posted by Vintersorg
And Even bigger bands in the neo/punk metal style have problems a band like Blink 182 who sells alot of album did´nt get a singel quarter until they had sold 1000 000 albums, that´s the state of the music business today.

This is precisely the reason I have such a big problem with people stealing music from the internet and pirating music. There are a lot of selfish people out there who either do not think of this and/or do not care.