Joe Horn: Hero or Murderer?

Exactly. They were obviously contributing so much to society. Not even suppose to be in the US. And preying upon honest, tax paying citizens.

I can see both sides of the issue. He'll probably be indicted, but I'd be surprised if he serves much jail time, if at all. He's white, a 61 year old retired grandfather, and pretty much an honest citizen, I would guess.

On the flip side, they are suppose to convict him for killing (in self defense, as he tells it) two illegal thieves? I doubt it.
The man was in no danger, I listen to the 911 call, the operator repeatedly told him not to shoot them; This shit was pretty much in cold blood as far as I'm concerned.
My basic belief is that if you truly feel your life is in imminent danger, then you may use force, but at least one warning should be given, such as "I am armed, I will shoot you." It gives YOU protection in that if they don't comply, they were aware you had a gun, and you felt their lack of cooperation was a threat upon your life. If this isn't done, questions are raised about if you shot them to be a dick or gave them fair warning. And no, shooting them as they RUN AWAY from robbing YOUR NEIGHBOR is not a valid defense. It's gross criminal negligence, and likely second degree murder. And don't give me bullshit about their ability to prepare, it's to protect you, not them. As scummy as they were, we have the self defense guidelines for a damned reason.

Further thoughts: After being told by police not to do it, it's DEFINITELY Murder 2, or whatever they fuck they call murder with no malice as a forethought in Texasland.
They may have been wastes of flesh, but unfortunately its still murder (or in texan: shootin' shit). If we let him get away with it, that basically sets precedent that the rich can decide than anyone is scum and shoot him up.

Hey look, its a poor kid delivering newspapers, he might steal my stuff *BLAM* Hey, its a punk-ass kid with long hair and a leather jacket with some undecipherable logo on his t-shirt, he might be dangerous. *BLAM*. And then we no longer have Cthulumawatchamacallit.

He's a hero and a murderer.

You break in to a man's house, or in this case "neighbor's" house, you got what's coming to you. Two less scumbags to pollute the world. Hooray for an armed citizenry! :kickass:

Colombians? Even better.
Sounds like an old retired bastard who decided to remedy the lack of excitement in his life by putting some lead into a couple of people who were absoloutely zero threat to his safety and (as far as we know) that of anyone else, neighbours included.
They may have been wastes of flesh, but unfortunately its still murder (or in texan: shootin' shit). If we let him get away with it, that basically sets precedent that the rich can decide than anyone is scum and shoot him up.

Hey look, its a poor kid delivering newspapers, he might steal my stuff *BLAM* Hey, its a punk-ass kid with long hair and a leather jacket with some undecipherable logo on his t-shirt, he might be dangerous. *BLAM*. And then we no longer have Cthulumawatchamacallit.

He's a hero and a murderer.
Nail on the fucking head. Vigilante bullshit from a panicky old man with a sense of entitlement and a desperate desire to be a hero. Society has laws in place for a reason.
Exactly. They were obviously contributing so much to society. Not even suppose to be in the US. And preying upon honest, tax paying citizens.

Irrelevant to the discussion. Or are you saying that Mr. Horn somehow gleaned all this information about their background by looking at them, and that's why he shot them? If Horn's neighbor ran a landscaping company, and it turned that these guys were legal citizens who were simply trying to recover the money that he stole from them before he fired them for dubious reasons, I'd imagine reaction to the story would be rather different. But it shouldn't be, because your reaction should have no dependency on knowledge of the criminals' background.

If he could see them well enough to know that they needed to be shot, he should have shot them with his camera instead, and then given the police something to go on.

Irrelevant to the discussion. Or are you saying that Mr. Horn somehow gleaned all this information about their background by looking at them, and that's why he shot them?
Agreed. Given it's illegal for trained law enforcement officers to profile people, it's a logical assumption that senile old men shouldn't be allowed to do it.

Hang the old man while we're at it. Three less mouths for our tax dollars to feed.

As to how he shot the spic who ran towards him in the back, two words... SIDE STEP.
Irrelevant to the discussion. Or are you saying that Mr. Horn somehow gleaned all this information about their background by looking at them, and that's why he shot them?

Bingo. He had no way of discerning if they were local kids or convicted pedophiles. The eventual facts of the matter don't change the severity of his reaction, and they shouldn't change the way he's treated by law.
There's some beaners outside mowing the front lawn but they look suspicious, I'm going to go shoot them in the back and ask questions later.
From a technical* standpoint, shooting two people running in opposite directions with a shotgun, and killing them no less = impressive.

*video game