Joey DeMaio lives in his parents' basement.

Soooooo, Joey Demaio has to move out, 'cause he'll be lost when his parents die...?
So. Who'd act the same as that guy if this were about Nevermore in a Manowar forum?
(I know I'd have a lot of fun)
I agree:)
I have a good friend who's a die hard MW fan and has failing attempts at discarding Nevermore all the time. All I gotta say is 'fluffy leather undies'. It's fun.
"Indirect Insult" I always thought would be an awesome name for a crossover thrash/hardcore band. Accurate Insult...the name is ok but it lacks a punch. Maybe Insulted Curator would be better.
I agree:)
I have a good friend who's a die hard MW fan and has failing attempts at discarding Nevermore all the time. All I gotta say is 'fluffy leather undies'. It's fun.
Failing that, you can always try, "half naked and oiled", "sword of steel in the hall in the sky", "99.9% male audience", and "Carl Logan's bangs". If he's still not convinced, let him listen through the first sixteen seconds of this:

hahaha Accurate Insult would be a great band name :lol:
Sounds like something hardcore-ish, no?

"Indirect Insult" I always thought would be an awesome name for a crossover thrash/hardcore band. Accurate Insult...the name is ok but it lacks a punch. Maybe Insulted Curator would be better.
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Theres no way manowar doesn't make enough money for those dumbasses to rent apartments for themselves at least... I think they're all just cash hoarders. Or drug addicts.