Manowar expose?

idk im a pretty big manowar fan seems kinda lgeit not sure...they did do a lot of world tours probably wouldn't be spending much time at home anyway. Reguardless i dont care there musics sick and they live in modesty, although i would enjoy it more if they lived in a giant castle filled with huge amps that scare animals away in a 5 mile radius...and then they go out hunting the terrified animals with swords
My thoughts are, why are so many people who balk at the thought of fantasy themed music into metal? Why are their shitty comments even there.
My thoughts are, why are so many people who balk at the thought of fantasy themed music into metal? Why are their shitty comments even there. They should stick to their unlistenable political punk.

because people are rather it be this way. I can at least say im a manowar fan with pride rather then agreeing with the masses...
My thoughts are, why are so many people who balk at the thought of fantasy themed music into metal? Why are their shitty comments even there. They should stick to their unlistenable political punk.

Some people just don't get it. Their loss.
Manowar are great guys! In my family we are all Manowar fans, and after Mom died I sent an email to Manowar tellin them about what happened and the importance the band has with our lil family unit, within 12 hours Manowar wrote back with a very nice email ... they didnt have to do that but they did and I will always appreceate that ... so it is in my opinion that the owner of that blog should be drug out into the street and shot
Very few bands make their living playing music anymore. It's not uncommon for the band members to have regular day gigs.

Very few bands make their living playing music anymore. It's not uncommon for the band members to have regular day gigs.


I guess I get warped perception from MTV Cribs where every bush-league hip-hop artist that no one has ever heard of is living in a palatial mansion with a swimming pool & a personal studio & a Bentley parked out front. Of course this is probably staged & most of them are broke 5 years later... but still makes me think that a band like Manowar who's been relatively big on the scene for the last 25 years would have made a few bucks in the process.
I know the Judas Priest guys have pretty big houses. I mean they are probably in a closer league to Manowar than Metallica and co nowadays.
They could have....

1. been jerked around and ripped off by numerous people surrounded by them, which is the fate of many bands..
2. been super stingy and invested a lot of profits into individual retirement funds or similar, and hold out in more modesty for the time being..
3. simply not spent what money was made too well in a personal context in the first place..

in any case, what bands make and how they live based off that isn't really... something people have business making a lot of judgments on..and besides that, to branch off a little, I'm sick of people acting like this sort of lifestyle is poverty, having a $69,000 home is weak and so forth. It's that same mindset which helped lead the United States to where it is right now. People being ashamed of making $30,000 per year, thinking it's not enough, always having to have more, etc. $30,000 a year just for that one example, is almost $3,000 a month. I can add, I've lived plenty on my own, and I know a lot of necessary bills plus food can easily be taken out with that income per month, plus some nice fun money - especially if you own your car. IF you don't live right on the cusp of what you can afford, i.e. buying a house and making babies so you can fit in with the American Dream and then whine because your income isn't immediately padded anymore. I don't have that kind of job yet and it makes me sick watching people shitting on it from great heights every single day.
People being ashamed of making $30,000 per year, thinking it's not enough, always having to have more, etc. $30,000 a year just for that one example, is almost $3,000 a month.

I guess is part lifestyle and part cultural/economic background (spending habits, taxes, etc) of the country.
If you make here $3000 a month (gross or even better, net) you'll live definitevely in the upper middle class. With an income like that, keeping my actual spending structure I would be able to got to PPUSA and KIT every year at ease, live a pretty good lifestyle and save $$$ every month (as an example).

When I was a student in USA (2001-2004) I earned $1200 monthly (net) working as an university assistant. Up to this day that was still more than I have been making in any of the jobs I've been since I returned here.
I'm not a Manowar fan, but I found the info very interesting.
As long as they are happy it doesn't matter where they live.

Yeah, I think $30,000 a year is a nice little income. I'd take
What a loser motherfucker! That guy can kiss my ass. Manowar are fuckin' for real, they care about their fans FOR REAL! Fuck that loser asshole. If they eat broccoli and do drywall, so what? Look at what he does, he sits on his ass talking shit via internet about people who have accomplished more in their life than him, while he sits around and lets life pass him by.
You know what's more pathetic than the facts relayed in this article? The fact that someone went to such lengths to research this.

You know, all of these "Facts" in this article are things real people go through. It's not like you get in a mildly successful band and you're sheltered from life's problems for the rest of your life. People work day jobs and have hobbies at night. Some people bowl, others play in Manowar.

It's very hard for bands to make money these days. May what's his face lost his job and is living at home. It happens. Basically bands tour and record CDs for the love it it, not because they want to get rich. Very few can in today's music business.
I think everyone is right that it's hard to make money in a band these days, but I also don't believe the stuff in that article, not all of it anyway. Manowar is really popular in Europe - they headline festivals, hell, they even have their own. They pay orchestras to be on their records for cripes sake. I know, the record company pays for that, but there is no way they play to the size of audiences they do and Joey still lives with his parents. Not buying it. Back when I used to follow them more, there were updates on the site about recording records in their own studio on the, "manowar compound." Now, I've always taken for granted that there was some exageration there, but I should think they all at least have their own middle class houses, and I very much doubt that Eric Adams does construction work.
It is kinda funny to see Eric Adams breaking character with the camo outfit. :)
You know what's more pathetic than the facts relayed in this article? The fact that someone went to such lengths to research this.

Some people has TOO MUCH time on their hands, more than their deserve to have and worse, time that can be used in something useful.
People tend to forget that freedom of speech and the Internet liberty are rights earned by the rightful and responsible use of the information, not a God given right just because you breathe.
Anything is possible as its been stated its hard to make a living from metal. Though I'm sure Manowar live comfortably and however they please (but i doubt its as this article says) but still, even metal heads are human; we are born from a woman, some of us have families & we eat, shop etc. Sorry for killing the fantasy.