John Bush IS playing with AS in Phoenix!!!!


Apr 28, 2005
I have from a VERY GOOD SOURCE that they will in fact be opening the scorpions show and John Bush WILL be on the mic!
According to their website UFO isn't playing Phoenix. They're only playing Costa Mesa. I'm taking that to mean Saint will not be playing the Costa Mesa show.
Its a one off show for Saint. July 30th at the Dodge Theater in Phoenix. If anyone thinks they are gonna make let me know. Cant convince the spouse to go ..... UFo is not at this show. They got asked to do it a couple weeks ago and decided WTF why not. Too bad its a one night thing.. Personaly I would be going to see Saint as I never was too into the Scorps.
It's like Slayer being support for Winger

Is this going to be the Salvation lineup in its entirety? It would be cool if they got back together for real. I've only recently heard that record, and it's pretty fucking awesome. I was impressed with Bush.
It will be the Symbol lineup.

> Paul,
> Yes it's true. We got the offer last week and after serious
> consideration we took it. John will be with us as the rest of
> the Symbol line up. Hope you can make it, should be fun.
> Thanks for the email.
> Take Care,
> Joey Vera