John Bush sings on a Beatles-tribute!!

DarbysDad said:
Some thrash\speed metal band covered Eleanor Rigby back in the day and I can't think of their name now.

DD- this has been driving me crazy for years. I know I had the cd, but can't remember who it was or where it is. For some reason I keep thinking it was Watchtower though. Great cover, it ruled.
Most of the cd sucks. Bush sold his song well though whoever was doing back up vocals blew. Hey Jude was done well as was I saw her standing there.
In fact fuck it, McCartney should reunite the Beatles with Bush singing and Rob on guitar and play stadium tour after stadium tour until Paul has enough money to settle his divorce and Scott and Charlie take notice of what a fucking huge mistake they made in dumping the WCFYA line-up.
Rant over :)
fuelee2004 said:
Is it wrong that im more excited about John singing on a beatles tribute than i am a new Anthrax album with Belladonna?
Nope. John singing a Beatles cover will help tide things over until Armored Saint can give us a full album of John singing. I never really looked forward to Belladonna albums in the 80's (I'd usually pick up a used copy 6 months later), and that won't be any different this time around (if and when "this time" ever comes around), except that this time I probably won't bother with the used copy either.