John Howard vs Mark Latham

Who do you want as Prime Minister?

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Terry your an even bigger moron than I first thought. No wonder our native flora and fauna is going to shit when there are people like you around!
I'd say the reason you keep getting rejected by the ladies is because your a red neck tosser who needs to be shot himself. Leave the poor ducks alone!
I'm a responsible fisherman.

I practice catch and release, unless they are carp or redfin. In which case I torture them by throwing them onto ants nests.
The carp down here are fucking massive, cos the asian tourists keep feeding them.

You know whats funny, when they feeding them bread, sending a float down with bread on the hook, and pulling the carp out from underneath them.

They get really pissed off about it, it's great.
Im not against the killing of animals per se... (hee hee) but why would you go out shooting them when you could just go to the store?
[color=#aoeooa]I've never liked Howard in the first place so why would I start voting for him now?

I've already watched the idiotic public put him through twice even after claiming there's nothing wrong with the refugees when it clearly states in International Law (Refugee's Act 1957) that they're legally allowed to come and look around Oz. But he's managed to get most of the country in ignoring that.

Then we have the ass-sniffing relations with the US and the whole invasion of Iraq lead by the good 'ol USA which is only now being shown to be a massive lie (which all us lefties knew from the start).

Plus he reminds me of my old high school Principal which is never a good thing. Poor public speaker, bad representation of Australia.

And Latham has the good ol line which he spoke about a year ago where he claimed 'Johnny was up Amierca's ass', which is true. I think thats enough evidence to put him through.

Except most of the idiotic public will disagree. Why are there so many right wing morons in this country who hunger for war and like to put people out just because they've lived a bad life I'll never know.[/color]
People vote for the Liberals because the interest rates are down and economically we are doing ok (relatively).
Goreripper said:
Duck shooting is for pussies. If you want a challenge, you should head up the Territory and hunt wild pigs. On foot. With a bow and arrow.

Pigs are insane, they can take an arsewhooping and still keep charging at you.

I suck at archery, we use old .303's. I like to pretend I'm in ww1.
That's true spawno. Unfortunately the majority of voters only look at the short term. We're doing OK now, so it must be that the government is doing something right, and if there's a change the bottom could fall out. But the bottom might fall out anyway, regardless of who's in. When Keating said "This is the recession we had to have", he didn't mean that Australian needed a recession. He meant that we were heading for one sooner or later. He didn't bring it on on purpose. It was unavoidable. Why am I bringing this up? I figured I haven't had a decent political rant in, well, a long time.
JonBonJovi said:
Terry your an even bigger moron than I first thought. No wonder our native flora and fauna is going to shit when there are people like you around!
I'd say the reason you keep getting rejected by the ladies is because your a red neck tosser who needs to be shot himself. Leave the poor ducks alone!
what the fuck, fuck you. :mad:

im making our flora and fauno go to shit?
im a red neck?

what the fuck! u don't even know me!
u animal loving fag's always call hunter's rednecks but guess what??? NONE ARE!

i have yet to see a redneck! every hunter that i know is well established in life and has a well paying job to go with their intelligence.

ha red neck throw me another one u pussy bitch