

May 19, 2004
San Antonio
First let me say, I hate Marilyn Manson. He sucks, his music sucks. But I guess his guitar player is pretty good. He's releasing a solo album on Schrapnel and on the clips I've heard he can play pretty well. My interest has been peaked. I wonder though why he doesn't tear it up in Marilyn Manson. Has anyone heard this album? Anyone have any full songs?
He's awesome. :)

And as my avatar indicates, I'm a MM fan too.

Definitely pissed that he's out of the band though.
Metal-X said:
First let me say, I hate Marilyn Manson. He sucks, his music sucks. But I guess his guitar player is pretty good. He's releasing a solo album on Schrapnel and on the clips I've heard he can play pretty well. My interest has been peaked. I wonder though why he doesn't tear it up in Marilyn Manson. Has anyone heard this album? Anyone have any full songs?
First let me say that I love how on metal forums some people feel the need to adamantly declare their hate for numetal as if everyone agrees with it.

I believe you mean your interest has been piqued. And it's Shrapnel. Funny that you think highly enough of your own opinion to make a statement like "He sucks, his music sucks," as if it carried the weight of fact, yet your spelling/grammar obviously sucks more than Manson's music.

Manson rocks, btw. And the reason John5 never busted out shred with Manson is because he was a backup musician. Manson is the frontman, it's pretty much his music and no one else's. Plus there are indeed times when shred is not appropriate.
Well, there's always room for shred. I had to make that first statement so no one would confuse me for someone who liked Manson. Manson is terrible, his music is terrible. Not everyone may agree with that statement, but I don't want to be anywhere closely associated with liking that band, that's how bad they are. Maybe if this John5 guy ripped it up in the band they would be tolerable to listen to.
And as for spelling errors, get over it, NERD.
If Metal-X thinks Manson sucks, let him state his opinion then. I saw Manson live on a festival a year ago, and that John 5 dude basically (acted like he) couldn't play for shit. So I'm amazed if he's now suddenly turning into some shred maniac.
Metal-X said:
Well, there's always room for shred. I had to make that first statement so no one would confuse me for someone who liked Manson. Manson is terrible, his music is terrible. Not everyone may agree with that statement, but I don't want to be anywhere closely associated with liking that band, that's how bad they are. Maybe if this John5 guy ripped it up in the band they would be tolerable to listen to.
And as for spelling errors, get over it, NERD.
Okay look. I'm cool with the fact that you don't like Manson. Obviously not everyone is going to like an artist like him - especially if you're a Christian.

But why not say, "I don't like Manson," instead of, "Manson sucks?" I don't like new Dream Theater, but I realize the fact that they're not doing the kind of music I like doesn't make them suck.

Don't get me wrong, I love shred as much as the next guy (I just got done listening to some Yngwie and Becker). But John5 shredding left and right in Manson would not have made the music better. In fact, it probably would have made it annoying.

As for the nerd comment... :lol:
karelrulez: John5's had skills for a while, actually. Didn't he play for David Lee Roth? And since DLR's guitarists have included EVH, Vai, and Becker... you know his guitarists have to have serious speed.

And I also heard John5 has some pretty cool stuff on a Hendrix tribute somewhere. Never heard it, though, so I don't know if it's any good.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Okay look. I'm cool with the fact that you don't like Manson. Obviously not everyone is going to like an artist like him - especially if you're a Christian.


It depends on what kind of Christian. Fundamentalists...yeah, they're going to have big issues with Manson. Non-fundamentalists, really can't be so sure. ;) Personally, while I don't think I'd buy a whole album, I do enjoy some of his work.

But why not say, "I don't like Manson," instead of, "Manson sucks?" I don't like new Dream Theater, but I realize the fact that they're not doing the kind of music I like doesn't make them suck.

Indeed; I think people need to realize how subjective their opinions really are. Unless you speak solely of technical skill, which can actually be measured (speed and other variables), you really cannot purport that something like that is objective fact.
Rose Immortal said:
Unless you speak solely of technical skill, which can actually be measured (speed and other variables), you really cannot purport that something like that is objective fact.
What are the units for measurement? I was under the impression that, even though there is some obvious level of technical ability, this is still oppinion based...
A few ideas--you could see how many notes somebody plays per second at their top speed. And to make sure they're doing it precisely, you could see what their margin of error is in their trying to maintain a consistent spacing between notes. That would help to gauge their precision. That could definitely help give you an idea of technical prowess. It wouldn't encompass everything, but those would probably be the only things you COULD measure.

Emotionality and personal style, however are still VERY subjective...and when you get down to it, a lot more important.
I'm not even sure technical skill can be measured - especially on an instrument like guitar where there are so many different abilities. Some might be "better" at sweeping, tapping, string skipping, alt. picking. It's not even speed, really. Some guitarists might be faster than Romeo, for example, but I still consider him more technical because he has the skill to do what he does with ease.

Oh well, I think I'm heading out of this thread before I start a flame war, and that's the last thing I wanna do. Sorry if I sounded like a dick at points.
OfSinsAndShred said:
I'm not even sure technical skill can be measured - especially on an instrument like guitar where there are so many different abilities. Some might be "better" at sweeping, tapping, string skipping, alt. picking. It's not even speed, really. Some guitarists might be faster than Romeo, for example, but I still consider him more technical because he has the skill to do what he does with ease.
I think this is kind of what i was going for in a way. Also, how do you weight sweeping against tapping? I mean, someone who is obviously better in one area than anotehr, but that person is more well rounded though not strong in any particular area, who's better? Though you can obviously say "yes, he is faster", how do you actually say who is better?
I thought it was a bit rough jumping down metal-x dudes throat for stating that Marilyn sucks. You'd think that it would be an unspoken assumption that everything people say is basically just their opinion without them having to continuously state it so as to 'keep the peace'.

and btw, wouldnt the guitarist who can do ALL of those things that you all mentioned clearly be better than one who can only do one or the other?