
SilentRealm said:
and btw, wouldnt the guitarist who can do ALL of those things that you all mentioned clearly be better than one who can only do one or the other?

Such as Satriani? Who has it all. Yes ... you can clearly state technically who is better. The "that's your opinion" shit is merely an excuse.

The "Hendrix Tribute" is out I believe. I could be wrong but I do recall seeing a review of it from the Guitar World issue a few months ago. I'd like to hear it. Prince's cover of "Red House" titled "Purple House" should own. Yes, I am a big fan of Prince ... what can I say? Versatile virtuousity through and through. Asshole or not, gay or straight, black or white, he's a master.
My buddy has this album already, and I've heard most of it. Well... some of it is very metal, and very good. He can shred, thats for sure. About 1/3 of the songs are from his.... *other* background. Manson? No. Country! Yeehaw! Thats right...about 1/3 of the album is kinda weird, sometimes fast, country! One song he kinda gets into this fast metal/country hybrid groove thats pretty cool. Overall its a decent album, give it a shot.
Thank you Riceloft for finally giving me the info I wanted when I made this post. I like the country/bluegrass playing. I found one link that had John5 playing "Sugarfoot Rag", which is my favorite Junior Brown song (it may not be originally by him though, don't know). Sound like the album has a good combination of styles. I think I'll probably check this album out.
Off topic, but do any of you guitarist out there like Kaki King? She's pretty different too. I saw her on Conan a while back and she taps with the best of them. Good stuff.
Guitarmaster: Prince gets overlooked a lot since his music is incredibly poppy, but he is indeed one hell of a musician.

And yeah, I guess I was pretty rude earlier in this thread. My fault, sorry people.
OfSinsAndShred said:
Guitarmaster: Prince gets overlooked a lot since his music is incredibly poppy, but he is indeed one hell of a musician.

Indeed he is. When an individual is capable of playing at least thirty instruments flawlessly you can't help but be impressed. It was only recently that I was enlightened on how great "The Purple One" is, I had always thought him to be some weird pop singer that wears high heels and swayed his bare ass back and forth to the beat of his catchy songs. I didn't have a clue how talented he was until watching him in concert once, pulling out some guitar solos that most couldn't touch.
Then I learned that he was a prodigy, that he's written songs for countless musicians from pop to jazz, and that he's amazingly versatile. Michael Jackson? Who's that? :grin:

As far as John5 goes, I don't listen to any Marilyn Manson to really know. I had heard that it was some country/bluegrass album mixed with shred. Sounds interesting so I'll probably at least listen to a few songs off the album to get a taste of how it is.