You're all full of shit. You're arguing as though carbon trading, interest rates or tax cutes are going to change your vote. At the end of the day you're either happy with the way things are or you're using big bad Johnny as a scapegoat for the things that you want changed. Assuming Labor get in (which is, unfortunately, how it's looking) by the end of the next term it will be Rudd that all the brain-fucked uni students and drop kicks with nothing better to do are whinging and whining about. I know fuck all about economics. I basically know that when the Aussie dollar goes up, I get things on eBay cheaper. I'm not going to vote on the basis of one party or the other being able to 'manage the economy better' any more than I'm going to vote for Rudd because we need 'new leadership' (which we don't). What it's really going to boil down to is personal bias and the sooner you all admit that the sooner all this bullshit can cool down. Call me a heathen but I think going to Iraq is the
right decision, gay marriages should
not be legalised and that we definitely
shouldn't be saying "sorry". I don't agree with the Work Choices situation but at least ol' Johnny has the balls to make the unpopular decisions and back himself on them in the best interest of the country, regardless of what cynics may think. The only thing Rudd getting in will achieve is all the 'pinko'


causes getting a momentary push while Labor is fresh then, once they hit a wall and Labor takes them as far as they are willing, they'll be gunning for the opposition vote again.
This is why I shouldn't drink before breakfast

It's not even midday yet and I'm already grumpy.