Johnny is calling the election

Libs are still creaming Labor on the economy and national security, but labor lead in education and heath and IR, but Libs are gaining ground in IR, mostly due to advertising mind you. Not that I care, just so long as they get re-elected.
Yeah, I saw that on the T.V. today.

Make an economically stupid move, and people vote you as sound economic management.
Thats because the majority of people are dumb arses, you gotta win the dumb arse vote.
Dän;6613598 said:
Thats because the majority of people are dumb arses, you gotta win the dumb arse vote.

I agree with you about that. In yesterday's paper was a letter from a reader equating tax cuts with lower inflation. These are the sort of economic realists attracted to the Liberal vote. Another was a woman who won't vote Rudd because if he releases more land for houses, the value of her home will decrease. Just another example of Howard's Battlers.
haha, suck it. I'll admit Howard has won alot of dumb arse votes by giving bullshit policies to dummies, at the end of it, that is the job of a leader in a democracy, to win votes, and at that, Howard is a master.

Also, that women has every right to vote against Rudd for releasing more land the same way someone with 6 kids, on welfare and has had 7 husbands has a right to vote against Howard.

And your comment on economic realists is fucked up; people who think that tax cuts = lower inflation are dumb, they are not economic realists at all.
Dän;6615721 said:
haha, suck it. I'll admit Howard has won alot of dumb arse votes by giving bullshit policies to dummies, at the end of it, that is the job of a leader in a democracy, to win votes, and at that, Howard is a master.

Also, that women has every right to vote against Rudd for releasing more land the same way someone with 6 kids, on welfare and has had 7 husbands has a right to vote against Howard.

And your comment on economic realists is fucked up; people who think that tax cuts = lower inflation are dumb, they are not economic realists at all.

The "economic realists" remark was irony, mate. And that woman has every right to vote for whomever she chooses. I'm not questioning that, just choosing her as an example of a materialistic self-absorbed cunt Liberal voter. :)

As for the vote-winning lies Howard's so good at, it's morallly reprehensible of him to promise tax cuts at the same time the IMF is warning him that Australia's economy is in danger of ballooning out of control. How can he claim to be fiscally responsible when he's dishing out dangerous legislation like that? He knows tax cuts will blowout inflation and push up interest rates so it's almost guaranteed that in the end in he's elected he either won't deliver them or severly reduce them. By then it will too late to get rid of the fuck and by the 2011 election inflation will be at record levels from all the tax cuts and every worker in the country will be tied to AWAs limiting their enterprise bargaining power. And Howard will still be PM, because if he wins, do you really think he'll retire?
You're all full of shit. You're arguing as though carbon trading, interest rates or tax cutes are going to change your vote. At the end of the day you're either happy with the way things are or you're using big bad Johnny as a scapegoat for the things that you want changed. Assuming Labor get in (which is, unfortunately, how it's looking) by the end of the next term it will be Rudd that all the brain-fucked uni students and drop kicks with nothing better to do are whinging and whining about. I know fuck all about economics. I basically know that when the Aussie dollar goes up, I get things on eBay cheaper. I'm not going to vote on the basis of one party or the other being able to 'manage the economy better' any more than I'm going to vote for Rudd because we need 'new leadership' (which we don't). What it's really going to boil down to is personal bias and the sooner you all admit that the sooner all this bullshit can cool down. Call me a heathen but I think going to Iraq is the right decision, gay marriages should not be legalised and that we definitely shouldn't be saying "sorry". I don't agree with the Work Choices situation but at least ol' Johnny has the balls to make the unpopular decisions and back himself on them in the best interest of the country, regardless of what cynics may think. The only thing Rudd getting in will achieve is all the 'pinko' (:lol:) causes getting a momentary push while Labor is fresh then, once they hit a wall and Labor takes them as far as they are willing, they'll be gunning for the opposition vote again.

This is why I shouldn't drink before breakfast :erk: It's not even midday yet and I'm already grumpy.
And Howard will still be PM, because if he wins, do you really think he'll retire?

He has clearly stated he will retire "well into the next term", which could well mean a year or so before the next election. I hope he doesn't retire early if he gets in. I have no particular liking of Costello. When it comes down to it though, I'd prefer him in the top job over a glorified garden gnome.
You're all full of shit. You're arguing as though carbon trading, interest rates or tax cutes are going to change your vote. At the end of the day you're either happy with the way things are or you're using big bad Johnny as a scapegoat for the things that you want changed. Assuming Labor get in (which is, unfortunately, how it's looking) by the end of the next term it will be Rudd that all the brain-fucked uni students and drop kicks with nothing better to do are whinging and whining about. I know fuck all about economics. I basically know that when the Aussie dollar goes up, I get things on eBay cheaper. I'm not going to vote on the basis of one party or the other being able to 'manage the economy better' any more than I'm going to vote for Rudd because we need 'new leadership' (which we don't). What it's really going to boil down to is personal bias and the sooner you all admit that the sooner all this bullshit can cool down. Call me a heathen but I think going to Iraq is the right decision, gay marriages should not be legalised and that we definitely shouldn't be saying "sorry". I don't agree with the Work Choices situation but at least ol' Johnny has the balls to make the unpopular decisions and back himself on them in the best interest of the country, regardless of what cynics may think. The only thing Rudd getting in will achieve is all the 'pinko' (:lol:) causes getting a momentary push while Labor is fresh then, once they hit a wall and Labor takes them as far as they are willing, they'll be gunning for the opposition vote again.

This is why I shouldn't drink before breakfast :erk: It's not even midday yet and I'm already grumpy.

But you make thought-provoking posts, rather than inexplicable little snipes like "Case closed" which I couldn't figure out. You represent the average voter who's reasonably happy to accept the status quo as long as it allows you to, to use your own example, get things cheaper on eBay. I'm not sure why you still believe that invading a sovereign country for no reason and creating an anarchic vaccuum that will destablise a siginificant part of the world for decades to come was a good idea (and for the record, I never supported it). I know your standing with regards to gays so I won't bother to argue that, but I do think the government should apologise on behalf of previous governments for the treatment of Aborigines, just as the Pope apologised for the Vatican's silence on the Holocaust and the German government apologising for the same thing. It's a symbolic gesture that will hurt no one and appease many. I do agree that we as individuals should not be made to say sorry for something that our governments did and/or sanctioned for the most part without our knowledge, like the way your sister was made to at school.
Finally, Johnny didn't have the guts to introduce or even speculate on WorkChoices until after he knew he had control of the Senate in mid-2005. If he had the balls you claim he has, he would have made it an election issue in 2004. But he didn't because he's a spineless, lying, conniving little fuck who has had a weak Opposition until now and the benefit of riding on an economic boom originally instigated by the economic reforms of the previous Labor government.

How can he claim to be fiscally responsible when he's dishing out dangerous legislation like that? He knows tax cuts will blowout inflation and push up interest rates so it's almost guaranteed that in the end in he's elected he either won't deliver them or severly reduce them.

It's called advance planning. If he wins then it'll be a "non-core" promise, if he loses Labor pretty much has to bring them in and it'll be all "See! See! Interest rates higher under a Labor government! See!".
:) If he wins, he will claim it will because of his economic management, and that he therefore has a mandate to keep the economy under control, and therefore that "under the current economic conditions, the promised tax cuts will be held over until 2009. No, make that 2010..."
Finally, Johnny didn't have the guts to introduce or even speculate on WorkChoices until after he knew he had control of the Senate in mid-2005. If he had the balls you claim he has, he would have made it an election issue in 2004.

I highly doubt it's a matter of 'guts' in announcing something as an election issue so much as a matter of lacking confidence in the average Joe Sixpack's capacity to consider the big picture. When he believes something to be the right decision, even if it's an unpopular one, he usually backs it. I'd prefer that over someone who just gives in to propaganda, public pressure and media trends. If by 'spineless' you actually meant to say 'calculated', 'consistent' or 'smart politician' then yeah spot on.
I do think the government should apologise on behalf of previous governments for the treatment of Aborigines, just as the Pope apologised for the Vatican's silence on the Holocaust and the German government apologising for the same thing.

The main difference there is that the Vatican and Germans aren't getting raped by Jews and have nothing to lose from it. We already have an over-apologetic approach to Aborigines in Australia based on history. The number of exclusive things they're offered like housing, ABSTUDY, and tax concessions border on ridiculous. Some things, like Aborigine-exclusive health care and education programs, don't really affect anyone else. Things like reserving a certain number of places in uni programs specifically for people of Aboriginal descent, exclusive scholarships and even jobs are outrageous though. To use a similar comparison to the one from our previous (and thoroughly enjoyable :erk:) argument over sexuality, if there were scholarships strictly for white males it would be a massive drama, just as it would if employers were advertising jobs for people of Anglo-Saxon descent.

Before you jump all over it, I'm not saying all Aboriginals are lazy sponging cunts or that some of them don't deserve special government support. It's the lack of objectiveness about it, as well as the distinct double standards, that shit me, as well as the general trend of moving towards a disadvantaged majority when it comes to social issues. From my admittedly limited experiences, most of the Aboriginals who rely on all these benefits have massive chips on their shoulders and not only lack any appreciation for what they're getting but also expect a lot more. As soon as a current government says "sorry" they're effectively admitting a measure of responsibility for the actions of the past, which in turn equates to liability. The only people who'd actually be appeased by an apology would be ignorant do-gooders who aren't even affected by any of it personally and simply want the government to apologise so they can feel good about themselves. If you, or your ancestors, were directly victimised by a previous government over your race, do you seriously think "sorry" would fix anything?

Howard has, on numerous occasions, expressed sorrow for what happened in the past. That's not good enough and he has to be personally sorry and make a public apology on behalf of every other Australian. How the fuck will that help anything?