Joke Of The Day......

2 gay guys are in the shower. The phone rings. The one gay guy says to the other, "Don't cum until i get back, promise me you won't cum until i get back." The other gay guy agrees. When he comes back he sees cum all over the showerstall and says, "I thought i asked you not to cum until i got back!"

"I didn't cum. I farted."
2 flys are eating a peice of shit..................One fly farts and the other one says, " hey.... im eating here.....................
A black guy, a mexicain guy, and a white guy find a magic lamp the geinie comes out and says "Ill give you each one wish" so the black guy says "I want me and all my black brothers and sisters to be united as one in the mother land of africa" so the geinie grants his wish and the black guy disapers then mexicain says "I want the same thing for all mexicains to be united as one in mexico" so the geinie grants his wish and the mexicain disapers then its the white guys turn and he says "so all the blacks and mexicains are out of the country?" and the geinie says yes so the white guy says "than I wish for a beer" :lol:

now before I start getting hate mail let me say, Im not racist, its just a joke
Billy MIlano is so fucken ugly ...that when he was born the doctor slapped his parents.

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly ...that when he looks in the mirror his reflection ducks

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly...he makes onions cry

Billy Milano is so fucken have to take 2 trains and a bus just to get to his good side.

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly...when he throws a boomerang it wont even come back.

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly...when he was a kid his mamma (who happens to be so fucken fat her blood type is Ragu) had to tie a porkchop around his neck so the dog would play with him.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
Billy MIlano is so fucken ugly ...that when he was born the doctor slapped his parents.

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly ...that when he looks in the mirror his reflection ducks

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly...he makes onions cry

Billy Milano is so fucken have to take 2 trains and a bus just to get to his good side.

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly...when he throws a boomerang it wont even come back.

Billy Milano is so fucken ugly...when he was a kid his mamma (who happens to be so fucken fat her blood type is Ragu) had to tie a porkchop around his neck so the dog would play with him.
You criticize me for being 15, but you spell like a 4 year old. fucken?
What's the difference between a jew and a pizza?
A pizza doesn't scream in the oven.

What's the fastest animal in the world?
The Ethiopian chicken.

What do you get when you cross a mexican with an octopus?
I don't know but it sure can pick lettuce.

muffys is he old got his drivers licanse in hyroglifics and he learned how to drive on a brontasaurus

muffys so short when he sits on the curb his legs swing

his breath smells so bad when he yawns his teeth duck

hes so fat the back of his neck looks like a pack of hot dogs

hes so old he use to gang bang flinstones

hes so diry he sweats mud

his moms so loose shes hiding osma bin laden in there

hes so bald you can see whats on his mind

one more? o.k.

you so stinkin you made right gaurd go wrong
Is that this fairy muffy is still posting here without being banned!!
We've seen how they do things on the FAGTHRAX site...They threw a kid off
for posting a bad review of a show he PAID TO SEE!!

And this faggot muffy just posts here to start shit....And it usually works.
He makes no secret about it....Billy, throw this fucking retard outta here!!
Then he can stay truly where he wants to be...on the GAYTHRAX site.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Well shit I might as well get in this.

Why did Muffy cross the road?

Because his dick was in the chicken
I agree ............... we need a vote to see if he should be banned.

well we should be democratic................. unless our great and almighty dictator says so............................
...the prince finally cuts all the roses so he gets to Sleeping Beauty´s bed, only to find some other princes taking turns fucking her. "All right, guys," he says, "just do not kiss her."
How do you hide a black man in a coal mine?

Knock His Teeth Out!

How can you tell if a valentines card has been sent by a leper ?

The Tongues Still In The Envelope!

What happened to the black guy who tried to look up his family tree?

The Gorilla Shit In His Face!

A guy is seeing the doctor to check whether he´s HIV positive. So the doc takes his blood and let him fill in the questionnare.
A week later, the guy comes back for test results.
Doctor says: "Well, I have some bad news for you. Looks like you are HIV positive. I see in your papers you are a homosexual, right?"
"Yes," replies the guy. "Well I expected that," says the doctor.
The guy wonders if he has any chance.
"Well," the doctor says, "drink two bottles of hot, sour milk and eat two bowls of old, rancid cabbage after. You´ll be okay then."
Guy leaves his office happily. Here comes a nurse and she says: "Why did you lie to him, his test was okay."
"Yes it was," the doctor replies, "but this will show the fuckin´fag what an ass is for."