Joke time


I love this gain
Oct 20, 2007
An old iraqi man living in the USA for more than 40 years, he wants to grow potatoes in his land but this is a hard work for him. His only son studies in France.
The old man sends his son an email explaining the situation:

"Dear Son, I feel bad because I won't be able to grow my land, I'm very old for this. If you were here, all my problems would fade away, you'd wake up and turn over the land. Love Your Father"

A few days later, the father gets the email response:

"Dear father. For Allah's sake! Please don't ever, ever touch that garden! That's the place where I buried those things. Love, your son."

4am the night after, suddenly start to come cops, FBI, CIA, Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris, SWAT, Rangers, Marines... searching for bombs materials, anthrax, whatever. They find nothing so they leave.

The next morning the old man gets another email from his son:

"Dear father, the land would be already turned over most likely now to grow your potatoes. Love, your son"
maybe it's a bad joke, maybe some lost in translation -turning the land over is what they do before throwing the seeds to grow, right?-, maybe 4am here hahah

Here's the American translation:

Father writes to his son saying that he is too old to till (turn over) the land to grow his potatoes. If only his son were with him instead of in France he would be able to turn the land and prepare it for seeding.

The son replies by saying he had buried crack 'n smack, pipe bombs, anthrax and letters of terrorist activity in that land and not to touch at any cost! This letter was of course intercepted by the intrepid CIA/FBI/HS and SWAT teams were sent over right away. They tore the ground apart looking for WMDs and the like, only to no avail. They leave promptly having found nothing but dug up ground.

The son writes the next morning saying, "I did the best I could from here, Dad!"
You guys got it because he edited his post to make the punchline..
Now it says; "Dear father, the land would be already turned over most likely now to grow your potatoes. Love, your son"
Before it said: "Is where I got that. Love, your son."