Josh "Michael Meyers" Seipp-Williams Takes Things Too Far


Nov 8, 2001
New York City

Girl wearing Halloween mask kills brother

Av Carin Pettersson og Øyvind Ludt 17.11.03 10:37, ny 17.11.03 10:38

A Danish girl, age 14, murdered her 18-year-old brother in their family home by stabbing him to death with a bread knife. The police believe she was inspired by horror movies.
The 14-year-old Danish girl, who allegedly attacked and killed her brother while he was sleeping in his bed, was most likely inspired by horror movies. The mortally wounded boy died about 20 minutes after the attack on the way to the hospital.

The murder took place in the town of Hundested in Denmark, at 6:30 a.m. Sunday. The children’s father woke up because of noise from his son’s room.

The sight that allegedly met the sleep-drunken father was his 14-year-old daughter sitting on top of her brother stabbing him with a bread knife. She was wearing a coveralls and a Halloween mask. The father tried to stop the attack, but the girl turned on him and he received several stabs to his head and arms. Before the man could react, the girl took off in the family’s car, a red Hyundai Pony.
ugh, seriously, fuck 'em. im so sick of living in a kid-safe, teen-oriented world. ok, i fucking hate hip-hop, and i like swearing. some asshole suburban dad was rude to me in a line at a restaurant because i was telling my mom about going to a party at a house that "smelled like an asshole"

hey speaking of asshole, suburban dad guy, its not my public swearing thats gonna fuck up your kids, itll be your shitty parenting. fuck off.
well the quittie band was called the breathing process... there may have been some others too but we missed them

omfg i saw even more metros when i went to this Yale-y hip bar in new haven to see adam franklin. i wanted to kill everyone there just about. i was incognito though. they had no idea.