Taliban Savages Must Die


May 2, 2001
.. from grey to black
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Hi all,

in the interest of spreading much deserved hatred and intolerence toward those Taliban fuck-heads, I thought I'd share something I saw on TV last night in hopes that others will share similar horror stories they have seen or read.

Some 13 year old girl was caught wearing nail polish a while back. Typically in this situation the Taliban's solution is to this is to pull all the girl's nails out. Pleasant. However, in this case, since the girl was only 13, they "turned the other cheek" and instead horribly beat the girl and her mother in the street with what appeared to be metal pipes.

A few Taliban savages went to someone's house and demanded they they give up their young daughter for marriage. When the father refused, they arrested him. A few days later, they dropped his mangled and disfigured (obviously horribly tortured) corpse off in front of his house for his family and everyone else to see, and then they just took the girl (who was never heard from again).

These people are sick lunatics and they have to be stopped and or killed, whatever is easiest and most cost effective. Say what you will about political correctness and tolerence toward other cultures, but cruelty and oppression of this magnitude deserves no patience or tolerence. It is my most sincere hope that when bin Laden and his band of evil fucks are dead and/or rotting in prison that the US and the rest of the world will TOTALLY interfere with the politics of Afganistan and stop this insanity (preferably with ultra-violence against the Taliban cuz that all that seem to understand, stupid greedy evil bastards).

Sick fuckers. If I had the chance I would gladly open fire on these savages and I would not feel a trace of remorse for doing so, only an overwhelming sense of pride and accomplishment for having prevented the future suffering of millions of innocent people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-death or anything, but in this case I think I could make an exception. I think the world is OBLIGATED to put a stop to this savagery.

with peace and love,

I'm normally easy going and non-violent, but after hearing things like that, I just get pissed off beyond words! Damn it, I don't know how I feel about this whole bombing situation, but I would gladly take out anyone who could do those things you just mentioned above. What a fucked up world this can be.
Something else:

There was a bit of footage of an actual "stoning" which took place. A young boy and girl (no older than 19) were discovered to be a couple, so they took them out into the street, gathered everyone in the community around them, and forced them to stone the couple to death as they embraced. I have never seen a more horrific sight, and this is a common occurace for them. The people doing the stoning were unwilling participants, they were forced to throw stones cuz if they didn't they would be horribly beaten, tortured, disfigured, have parts of their bodies cut off, or if they were really lucky, shot dead.

Imagine the psychological damage caused by being forced to thrown stones at your neighbors to save your own ass. Imagine the nightmares. It's horrible. It's one thing to hear about it, but when you see it actually happening on TV it really makes it seem much worse.

I'm so disgusted right now that I'm trembling. I feel so much for the pain of those beautiful, innocent, and peaceful people that I just want to scream and cry. My compassion is expressed as anger and the desire to wipe those fuckers off the face of the earth but instead I am expressing my outrage in this forum. I hope you can relate.

I'm not surprised one fucking bit. I've noticed that the damnedest things haven't been shocking me at all. Am I lacking compassion? No. Not in my opinion, but it's something. Maybe I just realized that the world is an extremely foul place to live and if you're lucky, you don't "see it" as much as others.

It sounds like to me that the men doing these things are doing what their fathers did and their fathers did. Following their controlling traditions. The problem is, they haven't seen past their own cruelty YET and they continue with the madness. Who knows, they may even like doing it. Do the people living there think its madness? If any of us lived there...well, we WOULDN'T. It's craziness how far from (what we consider) reasonable behavior some cultures are in the world today.
I'm still on the why do these men make people hurt each other. The ones organizing all the punishments.

Imagine the psychological damage caused by being forced to thrown stones at your neighbors to save your own ass. Imagine the nightmares. It's horrible...

This is very likely the reason for most, I'd think so at least. The psychological damage done over the years. Maybe this is the main cause of it continuing over and over.

Hm. :confused:

No. I don't fully believe that. I can understand it being involved in may a small percentage but I don't know how much damage growing up in a society like this would do one person.
I think they have been brainwashed (with the help of religion) to do these things, and even to enjoy them.

At any rate, what's the solution? Therapy? No. I think several humane bullets to the brain is the only alternative.

I've seen and heard things about these monsters that just makes my blood boil. What I can't understand is why so many people have become brainwashed by their sick beliefs which have been masqueraded as 'faith' and 'religion'. I mean, men with wives and daughters, how could they just stand by and watch their loved one be treated like animals? Maybe they're not, who knows? But you would think that the Taliban would have to be getting a majority of support, or else they would have been overthrown a long time ago.

These 'leaders' make me feel physically sick, and I hope they all die a long and excrutiating death. Maybe something like that Kiss of the Dragon move that Jet Li pulls to kill that arsehole at the end of his new film. Anyone seen that movie? Awesome fighting scenes.
fucking sick assholes! makes you wonder how people can think and do shit like that. i think the perfect lyrics for that kind of stuff for them breeding and spreading their beleifs on to their kids can be greatly appricieted in the Dying Fetus song "Fornication Terrorists".

dead, he's dead, that mother fucker's dead,
don't let me see the fuckers face again, mad,
as fuck, these fuckers gotta die,
it's time to send them back to where they came
fuck, and fuck, spreadin' all there shit,
without a fucking thought inside their head,
kill, and kill, give it to them hard,
see how much they're fucking when their dead
I got a funny email this morning...
It says that because killing binLaden would only make him a martyr for his cause, and keeping him as prisoner would only be reason for his followers to terrorize and make demands for his release, there is only one viable course of action to take. When binLaden in captured, fly him to a hospital in a secret location, and perform a complete sex change operation. Then return HER to Taliban ruled Afghanistan.:lol:
Dying Fetus lyrics kick ass. They got alot of great shit that they wrote. Read lyrics for Praise The Lord on Dyingfetus.com
I think the song is about how so many people are being killed for religion and people are losing their way and religion is turning bad instead of good. some good shit :)
WOW! It is amazing how people can go from "no such thing as right or wrong or morals" or "the death penalty is wrong" attitude, and then go to blood lust mode. I'm glad to see that killing for a good cause can still be accepted. Hail all of you who see the light of KILLING these bastards! "War on terrorist" should be now called "A big damn killing spree", because thats what they deserve!
Humhumm... why did we never hear these things before the u.s was attacked? Why are all those things that have been going on for a lot longer than the month it's been since the attack suddenly so horrible now and not before?

If someone had set out to bomb the talebans to the stone-age (as opposed to the bronze-age where they currently seem to be) before the attack, these atrocities would have been a good reason. Now it's an excuse for the u.s' lust for revenge. Sad.
Originally posted by Protocol
Now it's an excuse for the u.s' lust for revenge. Sad.

And why not? The U.S. seem to be the ultimate diety of ambivalence in the modern world, so it seems fitting that the country deeming itself a god, (and out to prove it), attempts to achieve infinite justice (retribution for a deep wound) with an act of what would normally be considered atrocity (a blind rage to kill the uncooperative).

A human dictated government is itself a human being. It opinions, actions and "persnoality attributes" are a conglomerate of that of the ones who hold the power control it, and is no less human than any other person on this Earth. It will have it's biases, it's accidents, it's mistakes, it's acts of hate, and it's emotions above all. So it can be expected that a government would have a lust for revenge, since the vast majority of the people in the world possess that trait.

So it goes. People will die, and hopefully the world will be better off in the end. If not...whoops.
Originally posted by TyrantOfFlames

And why not? The U.S. seem to be the ultimate diety of ambivalence in the modern world, so it seems fitting that the country deeming itself a god, (and out to prove it), attempts to achieve infinite justice (retribution for a deep wound) with an act of what would normally be considered atrocity (a blind rage to kill the uncooperative).

Your right! We should let this go! Sit back and ignore justice for the family's who lost loved ones in this! I would love for some asshole to say that crap to one person who lost somebody there. I don't give a damn about what people say about our retribution, if it's right or wrong. And yes America is God incarnate and we are trying to prove it. Thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. There are more involved here than the U.S.
I dont even know why people act so surprised this is not new this is just another war. Those who think of the so called atrocities the taliban does need to think of the atrocities the holy inquisiton did, jewish/christian religions have been a cancer in the world for thousands of years why its everyone so suprised about the taliban? This is just the same old story another holy war this is just a reminded that we need be exterminated at any cost and that everyone should gladly do so if given the oportunity just like the terrorist do, just like americans will do. In millions of years we as a whole, as a human race had never stopped running away from our fears, creating false gods and blaming them or asking them for aid, creating dreams we have grown to believe as reality, being so idiotic thinking life even has a meaning, a reason, a direction. We are the most primitive beings in the face of the earth trapped in self consciousness and arrogance, we are empty there is nothing in hour lifes no reason to exist, no reason to TRY to explain things we will never understand yet we keep our obsessions of Life and Death, Of Happyness and wellfare
nothing is worth trying, there is no reason to believe in anything to hope for anything to fight for anything....No one can just live a life without worries without egoism without guilt and hate...Why people is still surprised is something i will never understand
Originally posted by Tribal
Your right! We should let this go! Sit back and ignore justice for the family's who lost loved ones in this! I would love for some asshole to say that crap to one person who lost somebody there. I don't give a damn about what people say about our retribution, if it's right or wrong. And yes America is God incarnate and we are trying to prove it. Thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard. There are more involved here than the U.S.

I think you need to re-read my post, friend. I didn't say I was against the actions of America. Yes, I believe America seems to be trying to deify itself, by refusing to admit it has ever done any wrong. Now, I said that almost any human would want retribution for such a loss. I would too, and I do (I am an American). I don't blame the U.S. government for taking it's actions, but I also think it's a pretty wrathful thing to do to declare that anyone who is not with America is against her. I wish for the Taliban regime to be no more, but I don't wish for the decimation of Afganistan. There's more to the Taliban than genuine malice, though I'm sure there is plenty of that. They are a very misguided people. The state of their country seems to be parallel to Europe from about 500 AD to 1200 AD (aka the medival times), or Egypt in the time of Hebrew slavery. some kind of correction should take place, and if there is nothing else that can be done, well death is the only way, then. Extreme paths meet extreme ends.

Lastly, I think that in all cases, people must remain calm and keep their minds clear. Emotions cloud a person's judgement, and there are quite a number of thoroughly irate people just on this thread. For America do pull this off, they will need something drastic yet mild at the same time. I would like to see them dethrone the Taliban and destroy Al Qaida. The problem is: how will hey do that without arising the rest of the middle east into a WWIII? Politics suck.
What surprises me most about all of this is how ANYONE can see ANY right in how some of these third world countries operate on a human level.

The opponents here is the western greed against oppression, and there are arguements against each. But, what are the choices -

1. Oppression - live in a world which kills people for how their hair looks, etc.
2. Greed - live in a country where someone like Bill Gates can create a giant of a company, prevent many from ever reaching their dreams, where people are scratching for a living becuase there is no way they can compete with a company like Microsoft.

You have to admit, in a raw sense both are wrong. But what people fail to distinguish in these cases is the freedom aspect. Too much freedom has a negative impact also, but, at least in case #2, I have a CHANCE to make something of myself. Granted, it may be next to impossible, but it's a chance. What chance do I have in case #1? I dress wrong, I'm dead. I breathe wrong, I'm dead. No choice. I just don't understand how people can stand behind such oppression - can you say brainwashing?

It sickens me to see and hear of stories such as you've brought forth. It just proves that humans, as sophisticted as we are, have an inability in fully reasoning with ones environment - and twist what is right and wrong (in an extreme sense). I'm not perfect, and I've made bad decisions.

I challenge anyone here to validate anything Bin Laden stands for. It's not about the U.S. bombing or not, or actions people take - it's about what we stand for. I would love to see a valid arguement that the U.S. is all wrong here - for I am blind to that notion.

So for now, bomb away, and wipe out the infidels. For I would like to continue my life not in fear, but in a relative peacefulness. And yes, I can always dream of utopia.