Jon´s store is up!


Jan 27, 2002
ICED EARTH mainman Jon Schaffer is ready to unveil his military collectibles store this summer in Indiana. The store is named Spirit of 76 Collectibles and it specializes in historical fine art prints and military miniatures as well as die cast planes and tanks, flags, sculptures, and magazines. According to a posting at the band's website (, "Jon had been hopeful to have the store open to the public earlier this year, but delays in finalizing a new record deal (with Steamhammer/SPV) and trouble finding a store with all the necessary variables have pushed the grand opening back to early July. Band commitments will keep Jon focused on the new CD (titled The Glorious Burden) until June 1, when the master is due at SPV. The bulk of June will then be spent finishing installation of all the displays and tying up loose-ends. Fortunately Jon has been getting help from friends, including Matt Barlow (singer) who has been providing his carpentry skills throughout the move. Spirit of 76 Collectibles will offer products via the store, conventions, and a website later this year. Collectibles from all major military conflicts will be featured, including the Revolutionary War, Napoleonic Wars, War of 1812, American Civil War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam, and even Zulu and Samurai wars. Literally thousands of miniatures and hundreds of art prints will be available for purchase from these periods. Jon will make public the store address and phone number when the shop is officially open for business.

To see how the store is shaping up, visit the photo diary
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