Jon Oliva

You can ask if they still are using parts of the Criss Oliva tapes that Jon's wive discovered. Parts of these were used on alot of songs of the previous album , but I don't know if they still used some material of those tapes for the new album.

It's getting hard to come up with some good questions for JO lately, he must be an interviewing machine :)
Ask him about his health. I'm sure you can find a way to phrase it than me but lets face it- he is getting and has been large for some time. I'm not trying to be funny. I just don't like to see him "check out" from a health related issue at a relatively young age.
Ask him about the recent duet he did with Crimson Glory's Midnight. Maybe something about the relationship of Savatage and Crimson Glory in the past and maybe the future as well.

Mxgonzo, I can completely understand the reasons behind the health question but honestly it's not a cool thing to ask in an interview. It's not like he's unaware of his excess weight, he chooses to deal with it (or in this case not to deal with it) the way he does and it's really not the fans' or journalists' business to nose in. I too get really worried everytime I see a new live video of JOP but we got to remember we're not friends or family of Jon but just fans. If he wants our opinion or advice I'm sure he'll let us know.
Mxgonzo, I can completely understand the reasons behind the health question but honestly it's not a cool thing to ask in an interview. It's not like he's unaware of his excess weight, he chooses to deal with it (or in this case not to deal with it) the way he does and it's really not the fans' or journalists' business to nose in.

Right. Out of respect for the man that is off limits in my opinion...
Though like you I can see the concern.
I think TSO should do the interview instead :saint:

That would be a dream come true for me! But Sixx gets to do the interviews because he's the one doing all the hard work in writing reviews (they aren't easy and you don't just spurt them out in 15 minutes).

I've got a lot of experience in asking interesting questions as I used to be a reporter on the NASCAR circuit. Everyone else always asked the drivers the same questions over and over, mostly about the race that weekend. I could see how tired and bored the drivers were from the same old drivel, so I decided to develop my own style where I asked more personal (but not too personal) questions that no one else has asked. The drivers loved it because I actually made them think and not just spew out the same old bland answers and sponsor mentions.