Anyone some questions for Jon Oliva ???

it was great seeing you there again, carnut and hawk! I'm sorry we had to leave for that other gig and couldn't stay in the bar for the listening session :(
I haven't typed out my intie just yet, will yours be published somewhere?
Marlies said:
it was great seeing you there again, carnut and hawk! I'm sorry we had to leave for that other gig and couldn't stay in the bar for the listening session :(
I haven't typed out my intie just yet, will yours be published somewhere?

Yes it will. Go here:

Btw will you ask Nico to send me Jon's picture?

Thanks a lot.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
He's got a few on his website from the Bang Your Head festival, Hawk. Two good ones of Jon singing.

I know that buddy, but that was not the picture I was talking about. I need a picture of him talking that I can place with the interview.
How are you? Everything ok? :wave:

Marlies said:
thx tso :)

hawk, are you talking about a specific picture?

Send you a loooong pm :p
Hawk said:
How are you? Everything ok? :wave:
Yessir, everything is AOK. Having a few arthritis issues this summer, but if I drink enough beer I usually forget about the pain. :zombie: And it's been hotter than Hades up here in Montana for the past few weeks. No one up here has real air conditioning in their homes. I've been spending most of my afternoons in the pick up truck, with the air conditioner and the heavy metal BLASTING! :kickass:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yessir, everything is AOK. Having a few arthritis issues this summer, but if I drink enough beer I usually forget about the pain. :zombie: And it's been hotter than Hades up here in Montana for the past few weeks. No one up here has real air conditioning in their homes. I've been spending most of my afternoons in the pick up truck, with the air conditioner and the heavy metal BLASTING! :kickass:

Thats cool! :rock: Blast some album for me as well buddy! Great to see you all again! :cool:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yessir, everything is AOK. Having a few arthritis issues this summer, but if I drink enough beer I usually forget about the pain. :zombie: And it's been hotter than Hades up here in Montana for the past few weeks. No one up here has real air conditioning in their homes. I've been spending most of my afternoons in the pick up truck, with the air conditioner and the heavy metal BLASTING! :kickass:

Athritis in the Summer!!!?!? That's no good. It's hot all over. We've even been hotter than Phoenix here and there. Go figure. Good to see you around!
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yessir, everything is AOK. Having a few arthritis issues this summer, but if I drink enough beer I usually forget about the pain. :zombie: And it's been hotter than Hades up here in Montana for the past few weeks. No one up here has real air conditioning in their homes. I've been spending most of my afternoons in the pick up truck, with the air conditioner and the heavy metal BLASTING! :kickass:

Keep that puppy in "PARK" while your at it! :kickass:
Wheezer said:
Athritis in the Summer!!!?!? That's no good. It's hot all over. We've even been hotter than Phoenix here and there. Go figure. Good to see you around!
Yup, it is weird. Normally I only have issues during the winter months when it's cold and rainy. But I skated thru last winter with no problems (probably because it was a real mild winter in AZ) and this time it's attacking me in the summer. Really though, any drastic changes in weather temperatures and barometric pressures can set it off. Arthritis can be a weird creature. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

rokk said:
Keep that puppy in "PARK" while your at it! :kickass:
It's in PARK most of the time. I usually drive down to the river or at my buddy's shop where I don't disturb anyone. Of course, it's gotta come out of PARK eventually so I can get home! But I'm always careful. :Saint:
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yup, it is weird. Normally I only have issues during the winter months when it's cold and rainy. But I skated thru last winter with no problems (probably because it was a real mild winter in AZ) and this time it's attacking me in the summer. Really though, any drastic changes in weather temperatures and barometric pressures can set it off. Arthritis can be a weird creature. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Unfortunately, I know how you feel. Cold, wet days usually do me in pretty good. And usually, those are the days that need the snow scooped. :lol:
Let's steer this thread back on track from old man health problems to Jon Oliva, shall we:
there's two new tracks at JOP's Myspace and they kick ass. Looks like all the essential metal albums are coming out inside a 3-week release window this year.:kickass:
Who you callin' an old man? You're right though, there are alot of album of the year contenders coming up. The new Iron Maiden sounds promising, JOP, Wuthering Heights, Wolf, and probably some others I can't think of right now. Very good year for Metal IMO, because I already have several 2006 albums that dominate my playlists.
The new JOP is going to kick a lot of asses! AS will do the interview we had with Jon. He is saying some remarkable things.


Just a few weeks and I will be online again in Eindhoven rockcity!! :rock: