Jon Oliva's Pain - Festival


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Well, as most of you know Jon Oliva's Pain/Savatage/TSO are frequently discussed on this forum. As a matter of fact, Jon Oliva can even creep his way into threads that have nothing to do...well, with him! :lol: With that said, there's not been a thread discussing his latest endeavor, Festival.

I've been listening to Festival all weekend in attempt to let it soak in. I'm not quite sure if it has, but I'm confident with enough listens it will. I'm not going to post a long drawn out review. If you want something like that, then head over to the Jon Oliva's Pain Forum! There's some people on there that's put forth some WORK to post intelligent reviews.

Honestly, Jon has somehow figured out a way to release something that really doesn't sound like any of his previous efforts. Of course it has elements of his signature sound, but it seems the whole effort was approached a little differently. The biggest thing that I've noticed is the sound effects and "trinkets" that have been added throughout Festival. Some of the effects sound like something out of a later Fates Warning release to my ears! In addition, Matt LePorte has some tasty riffs throughout the release that stands out above the previous JOP releases. He's truly become a leading six string slinger over the course of playing in JOP. :kickass:

That are some of my thoughts on Festival, so what are yours?

Disclaimer...please refrain from turning this thread into a Savatage reunion thread, pro or against. :kickass:

I just received my copy last week and listened to it over the weekend as well. This could be his heaviest work yet. I still need to play it through several times though. And the CD successfully avoids the "loudness war", so kudos to the band!
The loudness war.....ah-ah-ah!
We weren't falling for that silly trap
and ruin the dynamics of the record.
I listened to the entire thing again this morning at the gym. I do believe it's JOP's most "consistent" work. I honestly think this will become my favorite of all the JOP albums.

My copy is set to arrive at Impulse Today (having them locate a couple blocks from my current office could prove expensive :). I did download a copy of th internet over the weekend until mine gets here but only gave it a listen on my way to and from Denver. I really prefer my first few listens of an album to be with cd booklet in hand (even if they don't have lyrics) - but I can say that it IS heavy, is definitely Jon Oliva and there's definitely some crunchy riffs on there.

Definitely and early contender for favorite JOP record, but will get serious listening time after I get the actual cd in hand. Until then, I can't give a qualified opinion, but first impressions are good - so if this thing is a "grower" with repeated listens, it will RAWK!
Definitely and early contender for favorite JOP record, but will get serious listening time after I get the actual cd in hand. Until then, I can't give a qualified opinion, but first impressions are good - so if this thing is a "grower" with repeated listens, it will RAWK!

I do believe it qualifies as a "grower". There seems to be a little more to take in or to listen for than on previous efforts. Consistency reigns on Festival in my opinion. :kickass:

Hey Kong, you're a fucking monster drummer! Your playing on this disc slays. And you're fucking amazing on stage too. Easily the best show I've ever seen. The very best.
I kinda feel that way about Jon's vocals. It's not as out front as on previous releases, kinda buried deeper in the mix, don't you think? This leaves more room for the instruments, especially the guitars which sound phenomenal.

The production is a little "thinner" than what I'm use to hearing out of JOP, so I'll give you that.

Thanks for the tip! I am going to have to pick this up. I've been getting more and more into this band since being exposed to the material at various PP's.


Thanks for the kind words's always a treat for me both live and in the studio!

As for the production, we dealt with quite a bit more instrumentation than some of
the previous songs/releases. And with a limited budget for mixing, we kind of have to pick
and choose what get's priority on certain songs. This was not a record mixed to be loud, but
definately designed to played with a good amount of volume when possible.
I believe the full impact combined with the bells and whistles helps to open up the
production and let the nuances shine through. There is a lot to digest....

A few personal eq adjustments on your individual systems should direct you to the sonic sweet spot!

Cheers on and all, and thanks again.......We broke the German top 100 today at #87.

As for the production, we dealt with quite a bit more instrumentation than some of
the previous songs/releases. And with a limited budget for mixing, we kind of have to pick
and choose what get's priority on certain songs. This was not a record mixed to be loud, but
definately designed to played with a good amount of volume when possible.

Totally understandable. :kickass:

I believe the full impact combined with the bells and whistles helps to open up the
production and let the nuances shine through. There is a lot to digest....

As odd as this statement might sound, Festival is cool to listen to through headphones.

Cheers on and all, and thanks again.......We broke the German top 100 today at #87.

Congratulations! All of you deserve it! :kickass:

OK now that I have the official copy in hand (Thanks Impulse), I can really listen to it - I find myself "breaking in" new albums more and more on my weekend drives to/from gf's (100 miles each way, you can get a lot of listening in) - but that really isn't how I wanted to first hear Festival. Temptation got the best of me and wile mine was in route I d/l'd it to get a preview listen in (loved the video Jon did with snippets of the songs).

So - it got cranked last night - now just have to give it the headphone test this evening. Loving it so far, and as someone said above -i think it will be a grower and not a quickie. There's a lot of layers in here.
I still prefer Global Warning after listening to Festival several times, and if anything I think the 1:20 clip for "Claws" has to be one of my favorite things I have heard Jon on, and its only 1:20 clip! Maybe I am exaggerating a lil, but I love that clip. I am interested to see how that album turns out
I hate to pimp our own stuff here, but this is the first
time we have actually been able to sell our own cd's
directly (except at shows). So if you don't mind...

Here's what we have today with more inventory on the way:


Digipacks only: $18.00 + $2.00 shipping within the US and Canada.

Paypal or money order only please.

Paypal account:

Be sure click on payment for "services" so we don't get screwed on
the fee's.


Thank you very much for the direct support!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...:kickass:
I hate to pimp our own stuff here, but this is the first
time we have actually been able to sell our own cd's
directly (except at shows). So if you don't mind...

Here's what we have today with more inventory on the way:


Digipacks only: $18.00 + $2.00 shipping within the US and Canada.

Paypal or money order only please.

Paypal account:

Be sure click on payment for "services" so we don't get screwed on
the fee's.


Thank you very much for the direct support!

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming...:kickass:

Thanks for the info Chris! What better way to support the band! :rock:
