Jon Schaffer confirms new IE vocalist...

I'm listening to the second of the three songs now. My first, second, and third thoughts:

That is Jon Schaffer's guitar, but why is Rob Halford singing :) Yes, Ripper still sounds a whole like like Judas Priest. It will take some getting used to, but I'm not disliking it.

To me, the real key will be hearing him sing something like Melancholy or Dracula.

Barlow was the one thing that made their sound unique. Now, they're just another very good Power Metal band, among a number of very good Power Metal bands that sound either too much like Maiden, Priest or both.

Ripper is definitely a talented singer, but his style does not fit Iced Earth. Like GeneralZod said, now they are just a good power metal band. I think that Job could have looked for someone who'll fit the music better, not a famous name like Ripper Ownes. I will definitely get the new Iced Earth album once it is released, but I do not have very high hopes for it. Barlow is irreplaceable!
Well... They don't sound bad. It will just take some getting used to. I love Barlow and felt he was a perfect fit for the band, but all the stuff they did before Barlow was pretty excelent as well. They should be alright.
I have to disagree with the idea that Iced Earth doesn't stand out musically from alot of other power metal. Iced Earth is far more on the thrash and speed end of things than most power metal. The one band I think that you can say Iced Earth sounds similar (but inferior) to is old Blind Guardian. Simply in the rhythm guitar playing which is the crux of IE. The thing about IE really is, in my opinion, that album to album there's just not much growth. You get a great song or two per album, amidst a number of others you could give or take. Still, I like them a great deal overall, and certainly alot more than 100,000 bands who keep trying to rewrite Keeper of the Seven Keys Pt. 2 again and again.
Oh shiite - I just listened to the clips now - I like it! It does take a bit of getting used to, but there's no denying that that's pretty crushing. Midway on the Reckoning I hear a bit of...Schuldiner style guitar composition.
I don't think Owens is a bad fit at all. It doesn't reaqlly sound like IE without Barlow, but I don't think it would be so hard to get used to. Those samples I heard ripped.

Yeah, I agree with Bryant. The new stuff is gonna crush. No one thought AC/DC would make another album after Bon died either. 'Nuff said. People need to be a little more open minded and receptive to this change. I liked Barlow, but I also like Owens. Once you hear it a few times, only the detractors will still find fault with it.

After all, it's Jon's rhythm guitar that IS Iced Earth's primary trademark, not the vocals, IMO.
steelreign said:
No one thought AC/DC would make another album after Bon died either.

The difference being, AC/DC went out and got a guy who not only had a voice distinctive from Bon's, but a voice that was generally unique sounding.

steelreign said:
After all, it's Jon's rhythm guitar that IS Iced Earth's primary trademark, not the vocals, IMO.

And therein lies the difference. While Jon's rythms, though often Maidenesque, are fairly identifiable, the most unique thing about Iced Earth had been Matt's voice. Now they sound like so many bands who have a singer who grew up worshipping Halford. Mind you, I think Ripper is a gifted vocalist. I just think he sounds identical to Halford. And that being the case, Iced Earth now sounds like Iced Earth with Halford singing. Is that a bad thing? No, not necessarily. Do they sound like Iced Earth any longer? No, not really.

Do they sound like Iced Earth any longer? No, not really.
Iced Earth has been through like 4 singers. I really love Stormrider. Probably my favorite album by them. And while I like it better when Matt is singing the songs (as heard on Alive in Athens and Days of Purgatory), I still feel it sounded like Iced Earth. Jon is the band... I am pretty sure he is the only founding member left...
Yippee38 said:
I'm with Zod.

It's just so-so. Two out of three samples feature heavy vocal effects. Barlow never needed that.

There really aren't heavy vocal effects on here, alot of multi-tracking, reverb (which you can't get naturally, sorry) harmonies/octaves, yes. In fact alot of the vocal orchestration is VERY similar to the type Barlow would do, listen to The Reckoning and think of a song like "Damien"..yes? Makes one think Schaffer or Morrisound comes up with alot of the vocal lines more so than Barlow likely did.

As for the uniqueness of the voice, I will cede that that is the biggest reason I really enjoyed Barlow, at least in his latter days. His earlier stuff left me kind of non plussed as his range wasn't evident at that time, but he really came into his own. Still, Iced Earth is not and has never a hugely deep band - they're a great heavy metal band that you know when you hear. You listen to them when traditional but unique in its way is what you want, and I think the TGB will bring that in spades, although i'll hold out that judgement until August 26th.
Zod - you are correct in that assumption. They no longer will sound like THE Iced Earth that recorded SWTWC, Dark Saga, or Burnt Offerings, but musically they remain the same (I hope, judging from those clips). So, in essence, that era of IE's music died when Matt left, just as AC/DC's Bon Scott era trademark died along with him, or Halford-era Priest ended when Ripper joined.

But couldn't you say the same thing retroactively about IE when the other two singers left the band? It's just because Barlow was a member for a longer timeframe that makes it seem so indelible. I would tend to believe that in a few years, IF Ripper stays in the band, that we will be saying the same thing again, should he depart soon after a couple albums.