Jon Stewart tells the assholes on Crossfire what assholes they are!

TD said:
What 35 year old wears a bow tie!? :tickled:

That's exactly the point. Instead of getting a conservative with a following who commands some respect, they put that dipshit Tucker Carlson and the washed out "has been" Bob Novak on stage to represent "Conservatives." Give me a break. Put Michael Savage or Charles Krauthammer up on that stage and Begala and Carville would wimper home with their tails between their legs. No wonder everyone in the country watches FoxNews.
Rozy157 said:
I challenge you to give me one specific good thing Kerry has done in his entire career.

There are a few more than one here my dear:

John Kerry compiled an impressive record of accomplishment during his career in the United States Senate. During his two decades of service, he fought for fiscal discipline, expanded children's health care, fought to put 100,000 more cops on America's streets, and worked with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) to investigate the fate of American POW/MIAs and help soldiers suffering from exposure to Agent Orange.

As chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee, John Kerry stood up for Americans who own and work for small businesses and fought for a level playing field in today's competitive global economy. In 19 years of service on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee - including a term as chairman of the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations - John Kerry distinguished himself as one of our nation's most respected experts on national security issues and a leader in fighting terrorism and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons.

Putting principle ahead of partisanship, John Kerry worked with his Republican colleagues on important issues like balancing the budget and keeping government spending under control. And with a firm dedication to expanding and strengthening the middle class, he fought for an America that fulfills its great promise - that gives hard-working Americans the opportunity to build a better life for themselves and their families.

Building a Stronger Economy
Making America Safer
Expanding and Improving Health Care for All Americans
Making America More Respected in the World
Other Important Accomplishments

Building a Stronger Economy

Crossed Party Lines to Support a Balanced Budget and Cast the Decisive Vote to Create 23 Million New Jobs. Shortly after joining the Senate, John Kerry crossed party lines to bring fiscal discipline back to Washington.

* Fought for Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, Deficit Reduction Act, Balanced Budget Act. John Kerry cosponsored and voted for the landmark Gramm-Rudman-Hollings balanced budget and deficit reduction bill to end runaway deficits. In 1993, John Kerry supported the Deficit Reduction Act, which put America back on track toward a balanced budget and fiscal discipline. John Kerry's vote reduced the deficit and resulted in the creation of 23 million new jobs. John Kerry also voted for the historic 1997 Balanced Budget Act, which dramatically reduced spending and balanced the budget for the first time in a generation.

Helped Increase the Minimum Wage. John Kerry was instrumental in passing the most recent increase in the minimum wage - to $5.15 per hour in 1997.

Fought for the Child Tax Credit. John Kerry led a successful fight for an amendment he introduced to make sure that all working families receive a child tax credit.

Stood Up for Small Business. As chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee, John Kerry promoted policies to increase access to capital, open international markets, foster innovative technology companies, reduce red tape and increase federal contracting opportunities. He also created and improved the MicroLoan program, expanded the successful nationwide Women's Business Centers (WBC) and loan programs that help the small businesses of reservists stay afloat while they are on active duty.

Making America Safer

Fought For 100,000 Additional Cops on the Street. As a former prosecutor, John Kerry understands the importance of strong law enforcement. That's why he led the fight to add police on our streets through his amendment to the 1993 Crime Control bill. John Kerry's amendment provided for $150 million to hire 100,000 new police officers - a measure widely regarded as having helped to lower the crime rate across the country.

Fought to Modernize and Strengthen America's Military. John Kerry has supported over $4 trillion in defense funding and has supported virtually every successful weapons system in use by today's military. In 2002, John Kerry voted for the largest increase in defense spending since the 1980's. And because John Kerry understands that our national security begins with the men and women who risk their lives to protect it, he has supported pay increases, benefit increases, and quality-of-life improvements for America's men and women in uniform throughout his career.

Fought Global Terrorism. John Kerry introduced critical legislation for cracking down on international laundering of terrorist funds. He was one of the key architects of anti-money-laundering provisions in the Patriot Act designed to deny financing for terrorists, and he has consistently used these provisions to press the Bush administration to crack down on terrorist financing activities by Syria and Saudi Arabia. He introduced a bill to ban arms exports to countries that provide support for acts of international terrorism, a proposal that was incorporated into the final 1990 State Department Authorization Bill.

Made the Homeland More Secure. John Kerry was an original co-sponsor of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001, which improved our nation's airline security after September 11th. He also helped pass legislation in response to September 11th that placed armed Coast Guard personnel on high-risk vehicles such as oil and gas tankers as they enter port.

Worked to Prevent the Spread of Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons. John Kerry has made preventing the spread of nuclear weapons a top priority. He fought for ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, fought against withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and has been a strong and persistent advocate of programs that help secure nuclear, biological and chemical weapons stockpiles and materials in the former Soviet Union so they do not fall into the hands of hostile states or terrorists.

Expanding and Improving Health Care
for All Americans

A Leader in Expanding Access and Lowering the Cost of Health Care for America's Children. John Kerry was there at the beginning of the fight to provide the largest investment in children's health care since the creation of Medicaid.

* Wrote Pre-Cursor Bill to S-CHIP, Providing Coverage for up to 5 Million Children. John Kerry's 1996 bill, the Healthy Children, Family Assistance Health Insurance Program, was the precursor to the successful State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) that became law in 1997. S-CHIP provides funding to cover 5 million children.

Improved Coverage and Care for America's Veterans. John Kerry has been a tireless champion of mandatory funding for veterans' health care. He fought vigorously for full funding of Veterans Administration (VA) health care and opposed the Bush administration's exclusion of Priority 8 veterans and its elimination of VA outreach efforts. He sought improved prescription drug benefits and authored legislation in 2003 to let veterans fill prescriptions written by non-VA doctors through the VA pharmacy.

Improved Post-Natal Care. John Kerry co-sponsored an amendment that successfully required health care plans to provide coverage for a minimum hospital stay for a mother and child following the birth of the child.

Fought HIV/AIDS. John Kerry was among the earliest supporters of the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, which today is the largest discretionary federal investment in treatment and support services for individuals and families living with HIV or AIDS. Today, 533,000 Americans with HIV/AIDS receive better treatment through this program.

Addressed America's Nursing Shortage. John Kerry wrote the Nurse Reinvestment Act to help relieve a nationwide, crisis-level shortage of registered nurses by encouraging more young people to choose a career in nursing. Today, enrollment rates at undergraduate nursing programs are up by 17 percent.

Making America More Respected
in the World

Helped Spread Democracy and Human Rights Throughout the World. John Kerry was a leading advocate for democratic elections in the Philippines, serving as an elections monitor as part of a Senate delegation that uncovered the fraud that led to the ouster of President Ferdinand Marcos. He was a strong proponent of U.S. participation in the NATO intervention that put an end to the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo. He worked with the United Nations and Cambodian government officials to facilitate the creation of the genocide tribunal in Cambodia that will prosecute key members of the Khmer Rouge. He sponsored the Code of Conduct of Arms Transfers Act, which prohibited U.S. military assistance and arms transfers to nations that do not adequately protect the human rights of their citizens. And he co-sponsored bipartisan legislation which imposed sanctions on Burma's military regime for detaining Aung San Suu Kyi and repressing her National League for Democracy party.

Fought Global HIV/AIDS. John Kerry authored major elements of the Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief Act of 2000, legislation which at the time provided the most money ever for fighting AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis around the world. He sponsored the bipartisan U.S. Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria Act of 2002, comprehensive legislation that was unanimously approved by the Senate and became the foundation of the global AIDS legislation that was passed by congress and signed by President Bush.

Fought International Crime, Corruption and Drug Trafficking. John Kerry chaired the landmark hearings that uncovered the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) scandal - the largest banking corruption scandal in modern times. He led hearings which provided evidence that Haitian military officials were involved in drug trafficking to the United States. He also led hearings on corruption and drug trafficking by Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega, and introduced legislation requiring the Reagan administration to cut off foreign aid to Panama because of drug-related corruption within its government.

Uncovered Government Corruption. John Kerry went on a fact-finding mission to Nicaragua and presented his findings to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Based in part on John Kerry's groundbreaking findings, the committee reached a consensus decision to investigate the Contra guerillas and their connection to drug trafficking in the United States. The resulting investigation uncovered the Iran-Contra scandal, a scheme that diverted profits from illegal arms sales to Iran to support the Contra guerilla fighters in Nicaragua.

Other Important Accomplishments

Took on the Task of Investigating POW/MIA Issues. John Kerry and John McCain "doggedly investigated" an important and volatile issue which some described as an "unglamorous task that nobody else wanted." Regarding the investigation, John McCain said, "John Kerry handled the chairmanship of that committee with tremendous skill." In 1994, John Kerry sponsored an amendment with McCain that urged the American government to lift its 25-year trade embargo with Vietnam. He then worked closely with McCain and President Clinton to facilitate full normalization of trade and diplomatic relations with Vietnam.

Fought to Help Victims of Agent Orange. Beginning more than 15 years ago, John Kerry introduced legislation to assist veterans in receiving medical compensation after being exposed to the toxic chemical Agent Orange. John Kerry even testified before Congress to force the government to care for Vietnam veterans. John Kerry's bill, the Comprehensive Agent Orange Scientific Evidence Review Act, sought to require that the Veterans Administration(VA) look into the "health effects of exposure" to Agent Orange. John Kerry also voted to pass the Agent Orange Act of 1991 and the Veterans' Agent Orange Exposure and Vietnam Service Benefits Act of 1989.

Fought to Protect America's Environment. John Kerry has been described by the League of Conservation Voters as an "environmental champion." He introduced legislation to improve standards for clean air and establish a fund to finance emissions reductions. He secured millions of dollars in funding to clean America's waterways, harbors, and drinking water, worked to strengthen the Safe Drinking Water Act, and introduced legislation in 1996 to ensure "protection in the quality of our water." He sponsored legislation that extended and strengthened laws protecting marine mammals from commercial fishing. He helped protect America's National Parks and National Forests from pollution, excessive logging, and overdevelopment while ensuring that endangered species are preserved for all Americans to experience. He has opposed opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to drilling for over a decade, ensuring that future generations can experience this national treasure. He strongly advocated for U.S. participation in the Kyoto accords and other international environmental initiatives, and personally participated in many major world environmental summits, including conferences at Rio di Janiero, Kyoto and the Hague.

Fought for America's Veterans. John Kerry has been a tireless champion of mandatory funding for veterans' health care. He fought vigorously for full funding of VA health care and opposed the Bush administration's exclusion of Priority 8 veterans and its elimination of VA outreach efforts. He sought improved prescription drug benefits and authored legislation in 2003 to let veterans fill prescriptions written by non-VA doctors through the VA pharmacy. As chairman of the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs, John Kerry investigated the fate of missing American soldiers in Vietnam and brought about the resolution of this difficult issue for their families and for the governments of both countries. In 1994, he sponsored an amendment with Senator McCain that urged the American government to lift its 25-year trade embargo with Vietnam. He then worked closely with Senator McCain and President Clinton to facilitate full normalization of trade and diplomatic relations with Vietnam.

Stood Up for America's Children. John Kerry wrote the bill that became the foundation for the 1997 State Children's Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP), which provided states with federal funding to help extend health insurance coverage to children whose families do not qualify for Medicaid. He introduced legislation to expand state and local early childhood development efforts, including education, child care and health care for children between birth and six years old. At the end of 2000, a version of this bipartisan legislation was signed into law. To address the needs of America's at-risk youth, John Kerry led the effort to establish the YouthBuild program, which provides young people with basic education toward a diploma and the skills training they need to get a good-paying job. YouthBuild also teaches leadership and civic engagement while providing students with adult mentors who help them overcome personal problems and participate in a supportive community with positive values.

Fought for Affordable Housing. As a member of the Senate Housing Subcommittee, John Kerry has a long record of fighting for affordable housing. He shaped the first significant rewrite of the public housing program in over 20 years and worked to craft and pass a bill that helped save the government billions of dollars in rental assistance payments, preserved thousands of affordable rental apartments, and helped finance the rehabilitation of those apartments. With Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT), John Kerry sponsored the Affordable Housing Preservation Act to foster local partnerships between non-profits, state and local governments, and private landlords in order to keep existing housing projects available and affordable for low-income tenants. He worked to create and implement the "mark-up to market" program and he co-authored the Affordable Housing for Seniors and Families Act of 2000.
Oh my. It's fallacious to claim the Crime Bill from 1994 added "100,000 cops."

The DOJ Inspector General (god I love Inspectors General) reported that over 40,000 of these "cops" are not actually cops as we think of them but supposed time savings from hiring civillians to do paper work or spending money on lap top computers or other equipment. 78% of the police departments that received money could not prove they hired more cops as a result of getting money. The IG also found 41% of grantees used the federal money to supplant local funding.
Here's the IG's report:

Also, I don't see how the hell the reduction in the deficit "created 23 million jobs." I'd love to know what concoction made up this number. That's like Sen. Voinovich claiming "he created 600,000 jobs" while he was governor of Ohio. Did Voinovich all of a sudden hire 600,000 people to work for him? I don't think so.

The Transportation Security Administration created by the Aviation and Transportation Security Act of 2001 is an absolute disaster. If Kerry cared one iota about airplane security, he would work to repeal this law. (Bush is also to blame for this.)

It's laughable to claim Congress ever "dramatically reduced spending." In my lifetime, I've never seen federal government spending be less one year than it was the previous year, neither under Republicans or Democrats.

I'm out like George Bush from the Toastmasters Club.
He married the heir to the Heinz mega fortune. There you have it 1 specific thing. But here are a couple more. He served in the armed services (unlike chickenshit Bush) and was awarded a few medals (Silver Star, Bronze Star, 3 Purple Hearts, 2 Presidential Unit Citations and a National Defense Medal.
for Bravery) He cosponsored the Americans with Disabilities Act, the most comprehensive nondiscrimination legislation enacted since the Civil Rights Act of 1964. At least 56 bills and resolutions John Kerry has sponsored over the years have passed the U.S. Senate. Countless others have been improved because of his work, including the Clean Air Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Program and the COPS program

And I challenge you to give me 1 specific good that Bush has done his entire career. But you cant, and I am tired of even wasting my time talking with Bush supporters. Its like talking to a child. Bush is an idiot, he, as well as his father Bush Sr are responsible for the 3000+ dead on 9-11, he is responsible for the 1200+ dead American soldiers in an illegal war against a country that never had, or would have attacked the United States, he lied to the world about Iraqs WMD, then he flip-floped and said Iraq had a weapons program, oh wait it was the ability to create a weapons program, or was it, something else. He 100% failed in his war on terror as there have been more terrorist attacks since he became president. He 100% failed in the war in AFghanistan, and finding Bin Laden, he lied to the American people when he vowed to capture Bin Laden. He failed at ever single business he was handed. He is a failure as a prsident.

Im out like G. W Bush this November.

Rozy157 said:
I challenge you to give me one specific good thing Kerry has done in his entire career.
where did you get that list, the kerry for president website? hah, he never introduced one bill, he claims to have all the answers for everything including healthcare, so where is the john kerry healthcare reform bill???? 20 years.....the most liberal voting record in the same senate that contains ted kennedy and hillary clinton....... a few months of tough talk during an election year do not erase 20 years of being on the wrong side of almost every issue. why does kerry go from his service in vietnam to the second iraq war, skipping over his 20 years in the senate??? because he didn't do jack shit thats why or else we would be hearing him talk about it. this guy even voted against giving the death penalty to terrorists who kill innocent americans... and if i see him in one more black church for a photo op..... oh well the clintons will make sure he doesn't win so hillary can run in 2008.... maybe with some of those fbi files clinton illegally obtained.... probably has one on kerry along with other powerfull politicians.
muffytheVampirelayer said:
He cosponsored the Americans with Disabilities Act, the most comprehensive nondiscrimination legislation enacted since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

This act cost my family close to $10,000 when they started their own small business that John Kerry claims he supports. If you want to be charitable, use your own fucking money and leave my family and me the fuck alone. Thank you for providing me another reason to hate John Kerry. (I hate Bush too.)
Dragons_Kin said:
I'll be so glad when this political season is over. I'm sick of hearing the same shit over and over nonstop all day long. I just love living in n.w. ohio this time of year. :ill: :yuk: :puke: Hopefully someone (Bush) wins with a big enough majority so we don't have the same shit we did in 2000.
ThraxDude said:

well said,at the end of the day the politicians are in it for themselves,they are the ones that get the huge benifits after they leave office.

i see they are already having trouble in florida with the voting lol.
muffy you must remember when bill clinton launched missle strikes in iraq to retaliate for saddam's assasination attempt on bush sr. while he was visiting kuwait, so stop acting like iraq and saddam have never done anything to the united states, if attempting to assasinate a former president is nothing in your book, i would hate to see what kind of provocation warrants millitary action in your mind. and please don't tell me your one of those liberals who wouldn't have minded a republican ex-president named bush being killed. i can't stand clinton, but if terrorists or whoever assasinated him i would be outraged and would expect swift justice ie... them dead. i trully believe that some peoples hatred for george w bush runs so deep that if anything bad happened to him like that, they might not show it publicly, but deep inside they would be happy and think he got what he deserved. sad, very sad. i don't hear muffy talking about all of the innocent people who died when clinton was bombing/fighting a brutal dictator in yugoslavia. hmmmm kind of the same thing bush did in iraq huh.... funny how democrats are only outraged when a republican is " waging war". clinton overthrows a brutal dictator who was killing hundreds of thousands of people and it is a good thing. bush overthrows a brutal dictator who had and was killing hundreds of thousands of people and not only is it a bad thing, but bush is an evil warmonger... yeah sure thing