Jonas on The Deciblog

TFM is totally tight and shiny in my humble opinion. Not that I think Jonas denies that. And not dissing it really.


That's five really really nice albums in that list.
Great list indeed, I know/own all albums except the Autopsy one. And I would swap Left Hand Path for Clandestine and Like an Ever-flowing Stream for Indecent & Obscene, clearly the better albums of both bands i.m.o.

Totally agree with both of his Morbid Angel picks though, Blessed ftw!
"Day of Suffering"?
"Pain Divine"?
"God of Emptiness"?
"Chapel of Ghouls"? (!!)
"Desolate Ways" (one of the most beautiful acoustic pieces ever)

I just have a hard time understanding how a supreme Death Metal beast like Morbid Angel can leave a Death Metal freak like you almost unaffected :)