Jonas on The Deciblog

Stephmoister, you should get "Entangled in Chaos".

Livealbum from Domination era. Less geeky sound, more muscle, but still friggin sick and dirty. Immortal Rites slays on it. I'd also like to add to you that you shouldnt spend all your energy on "Altars", its easilly the most overrated Morbid Angel disc (tho a very important release, of course)

Buy the livealbum, fuck mp3s. You need to put in just a little bit of effort and commitment here. You could find it for under hundralappen.

If the livealbum takes you nowhere, trying blasting Domination. That album is unique. Also check out "Blessed are the Sick", that CD is pure death metal, no thrashbullshit. Oh, I realized you love thrash tho, haha.

If you still can't get it, then just party out with Kreator.
Domination was what hooked me on MA. Honestly, their music and lyrics are some of the most powerful I've ever heard. It's weird how it's either a band you LOVE or you don't. "Hail Caesar! Hail Caesar!"

All albums are good and unique other than Heretic (unique, but not good)
Martijn, I loaded up your MA list in my ipod :)