Jonathan Halyalkar, where are you?


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Mar 29, 2003
Has anyone seen Jonathan or know if he posts on this board? He was the small guy in the tye dye blue shirt. He was a sponsor of Edguy with his girlfriend Ana. They frickin ruled the backstage area. If you're reading this Jonathan, I have pictures for you as well as some other stuff. I'm the guy that sponsored Tad Morose and came and got you when Edguy arrived at the venue in catering. E-mail me dude.
The_Q said:
Has anyone seen Jonathan or know if he posts on this board? He was the small guy in the tye dye blue shirt. He was a sponsor of Edguy with his girlfriend Ana. They frickin ruled the backstage area. If you're reading this Jonathan, I have pictures for you as well as some other stuff. I'm the guy that sponsored Tad Morose and came and got you when Edguy arrived at the venue in catering. E-mail me dude.
I was wondering who that guy was, he was really cool. (We were speculating that he might be the youngest ProgPower sponsor ever -- he looks like he could be sixteen -- but he sponsored someone last year, too. :headbang: )
Jon is a really good friend of mine. He doesn't post on the forums but if you'd like to get in touch I'll give him your email. I actually bought his gold badge from him this year because he had the VIP badges.
He and his gf were very cool. He tried to convince me he was 16 and I totally believed him - they both looked so young. Nice people though - very nice.