Jorn Lande - Spirit Black

St Enigma

Sep 11, 2005

Jorn's new CD Spirit Black is released in Europe today by Frontiers Records. Domestic release date for the USA has been set on July 14.

1 min samples of each track are available *here*

An astounding surprise on the CD is definitely the cover of Tarja Turunen's I Walk Alone from her My Winter Storm -CD (2007). Jorn has got all the goodies to deliver to that song with a personal touch. Great pick for a cover!


I love covers of modern songs. When Sonata Arctica covered a Vanishing Point song, that was so cool.

My dream cover would be Edguy doing a Stratovarius song.
I love Vanishing Point, but I have to say Sonata played their own song better than they did.

But now I think Vanishing Point is a better band, so they should come right back and do a Sonata song.
There is no way that the Sonata cover is better than the original Vanishing Point version. It's a little misleading bein the production difference and whatnot, but generally I think Tony Kakko should stay away from covering other singers. His voice works on their own material, but not so much on other stuff.

On the subject of the Jorn album:
If you liked the last album, you will like this one. It's more of the same really. Basically lots of mid-tempo melodic hard rock. Never bad, but not that impressive overall. Jorn's voice is impeccable as always, but as with a good deal of his solo work, I think the writing could've and should've been better.
Hi guys , Chris from VP here :)

Maybe one day we might , I'd love to do a cover of one of their tracks on their first album but would have to check with the guys first to make sure we can play it :)
I have been listening to many great songs of late especially on my ipod mix and I cant pick which one I'd like to cover, theres so many good songs to choose from.
One day we will do a cover of one of their songs , its a matter of figuring out which one and seeing how the recording budget will be in the future because we are poor bastards heh heh :)

Chris VP :)

I love Vanishing Point, but I have to say Sonata played their own song better than they did.

But now I think Vanishing Point is a better band, so they should come right back and do a Sonata song.
PS: Check it out!!! The Masterplan news is NEAR...................Jorn confirms rumours about him re-joining Masterplan
In an interview for the latest issue of Sweden Rock Magazine, Jorn puts an end to long-lasting speculation regarding the new Masterplan vocalist and confirms his return to the band. More details will follow!
GREAT NEWS!! Also wonderful review of Spririt Black here:
not loving this album. Only one uptempo song, the rest all midtempo... He seems stuck in a rut. And this is from a HUGE Jorn Fan boy...The mix is heavy sounding just wish we could have gotten some uptempo songs to really sell this mix....
People sometimes get irritated with power metal bands that play 9 out of 10 songs at super speed without any variation.

I feel the same way about artists like Jorn who think that an album full of plodders is a good time. C'mon man, let's have some life in this music.

That being said, he's still a great singer and I know quality songs when I hear them. I just wish they was a little more excitement to be had.

BTW, haven't heard the latest, but I own Worldchanger and Lonely Are the Brave. But if the latest is just more of the same I'll skip it.
I like Spirit Black better than Lonely Are the Brave. If anything, the lyrics are far more irritating than the tempo.

Oh I agree, it is better than Lonely are the Brave. but that was also it worse solo album with little life in it. I never listen to that one any more.
Jorn is suffering from Black Label Society syndrome. Jorn, much like BLS, churns out album after album, but the quality lacks from a fast pace. I admit to being a Jorn fanboy, but I wish that he would take his time and put out something steller for once, instead of average. By the way, Lonely are the Brave only had 9 tracks on it! In my opinion, if a band isn't at least recording 11 quality tracks, then they're rushing the process too much.

Lonely are the Brave only had 9 tracks on it! In my opinion, if a band isn't at least recording 11 quality tracks, then they're rushing the process too much.

This one has 9 tracks...1 of them is a Tarja cover and another is a rerecorded version of a song he did in we are only getting 7 new original songs.
And that's my general beef with his solo output. If you made a list of the top awesome albums he's had a big part in, his solo efforts would probably all rank near the bottom, below Masterplan, Avantasia, Ayreon, Millenium, Ark, Vagabond, that Snakes-thingie project, and Allen-Lande.

I can understand a singer wanting to have his own project to express himself musically, but what do Jorn solo albums give the fanbase that they can't get better from his group projects and guest appearances?

I'm really glad he's getting back with Masterplan. Those are two great albums.