Jotunspor - Gleipnirs Smeder


Apr 5, 2003
Jotunspor - Gleipnirs Smeder
Candlelight Records - CDL196 - April 24th, 2006
By Brandon Strader


Here's a sweet little brick of black metal straight from the homeland... by which I mean Norway, of course! Two friends unite under the moniker Jotunspor to expose their special brand of black metal upon the metal scene with their debut, Gleipnirs Smeder, which is stuffed like a turkey with all the trimmings while Grandpa, half senile and sitting at the end of the table, tells ancient Nordic tales that brought a shiver to the spine of the youngsters causing them to be unable to sleep and possibly wet the bed.

Obviously, Norway is the breeding ground for black metal. It's like Hollywood for movie stars... well, kinda. Except they don't burn churches in Hollywood (yet). Jotunspor will blend right in with a plethora of black metal bands, yet they manage their own system of characteristics as well. The music is generally mid-tempo and the riffing is mostly powerchords and slower guitar leads. Samples, such as a wolf howling, among others, are used throughout Gleipnirs Smeder and help to add a small touch of atmosphere.

The main screams are of a very raw sound that grinds right in the back of the throat, and sounds like it was very painful to perform. Sure, there are plenty of grindy black metal vocalists, but most of them use distortion to get such an effect, whereas this guy is using his throat. It's just better. There are also some clean vocals, but they use the typical black metal clean vocal style... Overall, Jotunspor have released a fairly good album, though it is not too memorable due to weak riffs and hooks. They create some impressive ambient soundscapes and have obviously mastered the dark ambiance craft. If you're looking for a good time, pick this one up, but you might not be listening to it too often...


UM's Review Rating Scale

Official Jotunspor Website
Official Candlelight Records Website
Yeah, I thought it odd too to have the 8-minute second-track be ambient. I kept waiting and thinking "when's the pummeling gonna start?" But it is very good dark ambiance after all....