Journey - Eclipse

Cant wait for this one, the last album Revelations was awesome! Arnel Pineda is a great singer and great replacement.
I've heard about 4 or 5 new songs from Eclipse live on youtube - already I can safely say this sounds like a step up from Revelations
This album certainly rocks, though at 66 minutes it is bloody long. 5 of the songs are 6 minutes long while another 4 are at the 5 minute mark. It also drags a bit near the middle, though not for long. As many are claiming, this is very much a Neal Schon album, not just because there is a definite emphasis on the hard rock side of Journey, but also because I'm sure there is more soloing than what is normally found on a Journey record (the fast section at the end of City of Hope is a good example). It is definitely better than Revelation, even though I think Never Walk Away is one of the greatest songs ever written.
I've never actually been into the 80s rock thing too much apart from bands like Guns N' Roses and Motley Crue, but I like what I've heard of Journey (basically just the hits). Maybe I should pick this up! Especially since I'm guessing Journey's a big inspiration on Steve, one of my keyboard idols :D
A great start point with Journey is the "Live in Manilla" DVD......with Arnel on vocals.....and also a couple of tracks where Deen takes lead as well, notably "Still they Ride". Deen has to be THE greatest singing drummer ever!!!

Indeed...Journey, Styx, Foreigner, Night Ranger...very much influenced me in terms of introducing me to how catchy and melodic a rock band can be.

Keyboard idol?? Aww....dude, I'm just a humble ivory tinkler :) But I appreciate the kind words!
I'll go look up some of that stuff, appreciate the heads-up!
Really enjoying this album.......would have loved to have seen one of the shows on the UK tour. I believe Chity was at the Birmingham show last night

Looking forward to getting this for my birthday. Really enjoyed City of Hope and it seems the rest is of the same standard, i'm a sucker for a good Journey song. Separate Ways is epic on surround sound :D