New Journey Album

I've gotta disagree with the last post...... I find this album to be a step up from "Revelation". I think there isn't a bad song on the disc, and even after one spin I had several tunes that stuck with me. I love the soloing on here, as that has been something missing for quite awhile. "Generations" with Steve Augeri on vocals hinted at this direction, but still pulled up short in a lot of places. "Revelation" came closer, but was still warming up. This is exactly the kind of album I want to hear from these guys.
I've gotta disagree with the last post...... I find this album to be a step up from "Revelation". I think there isn't a bad song on the disc, and even after one spin I had several tunes that stuck with me. I love the soloing on here, as that has been something missing for quite awhile. "Generations" with Steve Augeri on vocals hinted at this direction, but still pulled up short in a lot of places. "Revelation" came closer, but was still warming up. This is exactly the kind of album I want to hear from these guys.

also probably the CHEAPEST packaging I have EVER seen

Yeah, just about. It's a small half-step above recent Magna Carta releases, which came in a single flap digi-pack without any liner book whatsoever.

Especially sad given how nice the "Revelation" set was.
Yeah, just about. It's a small half-step above recent Magna Carta releases, which came in a single flap digi-pack without any liner book whatsoever.

Especially sad given how nice the "Revelation" set was.

That is true, it is quite glaring in contrast to the excellent packaging of REVELATION...
Magna Carta still has releases?

It's been a few years..... Last set of releases I recall was Age of Nemesis's "Terra Incognita" and Khallice's "The Journey", along with (I believe) Royal Hunt's Paradox II. Crap packaging on all three. Thankfully, I bought Royal Hunt through Frontiers (I think) instead.

Too bad. Magna Carta used to be awesome.