JPT Scare Band - Past Is Prologue


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
JPT Scare Band - Past Is Prologue

By Mark Bridgeman

A strange beast, this album... The JPT Scare Band (the initials taken from the first names of its members) laid the earliest tracks off this album onto tape in 1976. It seems a life of rock'n'roll greatness was not meant to be, and JPT were overlooked by labels while similar bands such as the Allman Brothers, The Eagles, Neil Young et al enjoyed the fruits of their success. And what a shame it was... and would remain to be, if these recordings were never to have been released.

JPT are the 70s jam mentality crystalized in flesh - pure, poetic guitar work and mellow vox backed by a tight, swaying rhythm section. The kind of music that makes you realise what has come before all the riff-obsessed metal and mu-metal angstrock. It's Hendrix-esque guitar growls, Californian jams... just... music!

Although the newer tracks benefit from somewhat-better production (to be expected), the entire disc is still a perfect distillation of the JPT Scare Band's talent, music, and vibe. An easy way to clip into a musical mindset too often forgotten.
