Judas Priest's Nostradamus Concept LP: A Heavy-Metal 'Phantom Of The Opera'


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Some people believe he had foreseen the rise of Hitler, the Kennedy assassinations and the terror strikes of 9/11, but it's safe to say that 16th-century French prophet Nostradamus never saw this one coming: Nearly 450 years after his death,
heavy-metal icons Judas Priest are writing a concept album about the legendary soothsayer.

The bandmembers, who have been working on their ambitious undertaking for more than three months, have already written 90-plus minutes of music. After they massage the tracks into final form, add solos and write lyrics, the band will choose a co-producer and begin recording. Priest hope to finish the project by the end of the year in time to release it in the first quarter of 2007.

Like a Puccini opera, the piece will flow seamlessly, with no breaks between tracks, but frontman Rob Halford said clearly identifiable songs will address approximately 20 key moments in the life of the man born Michel de Nostredame. Touch-points will likely include the writing of his famous 1,000 quatrains, the death of his first wife and children from plague, his second marriage, his brief imprisonment and his death.

"Nostradamus is all about metal, isn't he?" Halford said. "He was an alchemist as well as a seer — a person of extraordinary talent. He had an amazing life that was full of trial and tribulation and joy and sorrow. He's a very human character and a world-famous individual. You can take his name and translate it into any language and everybody knows about him, and that's important because we're dealing with a worldwide audience."

In addition to digging new lyrical ground for Judas Priest, the album will contain musical elements that might surprise their fans. "It's going to have a lot of depth," the singer explained. "There'll be a lot of symphonic elements. We might orchestrate it, without it being overblown. There may be a massive choir at parts and keyboards will be featured more prominently, whereas they've always been in the background before."

At the same time, Halford insisted the group won't abandon its heavy roots. For every atmospheric keyboard or choral arrangement, there'll be a headbanging passage to rattle the roof. "Essentially, Priest will always present ourselves as a metal band, so it will still be the band you know and love," Halford said. "There are some monster metal riffs that could span the Grand Canyon, and we still always find it a kick to come up with something that just burns out your speakers."

Halford discovered Nostradamus as a teenager and immediately became interested in his vague predictions and the way his followers interpreted them to pinpoint specific historical events. But it was the band's manager, Bill Curbishley, who predicted a concept record about Nostradamus could be a magical move.

Curbishley, who had previously worked with the Who on their rock opera Tommy, brought his idea to Priest in Estonia at the end of their 2005 tour. He viewed the extravaganza as a way to follow up the tremendous buzz of their comeback album Angel of Retribution, the first Priest record in 14 years to feature Halford.

"He was sitting there going, 'Well, what do the guys do next?' and this is what he came up with," said Halford. "The challenge of going into the studio to do a follow-up on a great studio album is immense anyway, and Priest are constantly trying to achieve and go one step further, so when Bill brought this up, we were all like, 'Let's go. Let's do it.' "

The yet-untitled LP will be Judas Priest's first concept effort and the first release they'll perform in its entirety on tour. Halford is convinced the material and narrative are sufficiently compelling to keep fans from missing the cavalcade of hits they've grown used to.

"The songs are going to be great," he said. "If you know anything about Priest, you know that we've made the characters come to life in songs like 'Painkiller,' 'The Sentinel' and 'The Sinner,' and now we're just taking that storytelling side of Priest that people love and cherish and putting all into a single project so it all comes to life in one dimension."

While they haven't yet worked out the details, Judas Priest plan to deliver their Nostradamus saga in a theatrical environment complete with intricate stage sets, special effects and possibly live actors. "We'll use the great things you see in Vegas and that are going in theater and put that into Priest along with pyro and everything else," Halford said.

"It will be like a heavy-metal 'Phantom of the Opera' — a nonstop flow of great music, and I'll be doing more costume changes than Cher."

I'm beginning to worry, for some reason symphonical and Judas Priest does NOT go along in my book.
Priest of Evil said:
all sounds very erm, gay...

That's funny coming from an obvious DIO fan, who happens to be a trendfuck...


I'm not too worried about symphonic, might sound cool. They do mention NO loss of heaviness, so no worries on that count.
SoundMaster said:
I agree with this statement. I have a hard time imagining this sound.
But I'll reserve judgment until the finished product is unleashed!

And I agree with your statement. You never know they might suprise us.
Though I am a bit worried that this album has the potential to be a total disaster, I am at the same time very exited. If, and thats IF they manage to pull this off, it could be very cool.
Well, I'll go on the negative side here and say that, judging by Angel of Retribution anyway, Priest has kinda lost the plot. Symphonic or not, I just hope the writing is better than that album - but I've a fear it won't be. If you look at the last several albums....well....none of 'em were very good. Sure, Ripper was there as a handicap of sorts (not a bad singer, but not Priest), but it was still Priest writing (minus Rob).

We'll see man, but I just don't know. Saxon and Maiden have both managed to move into the now with a tight grasp on the past. Lionheart, Killing Ground, Brave New World, Dance of Death....all good examples of bands firing on all cylinders. Angel of Retribution, while not terrible, was kind of a satire on Priest somehow.

We'll see, but if this album is "not so good," then I will probably give up on Priest all together. The absolute truth (for me) is that they've been spotty since Turbo - and brother, that was a LONG time ago (me not being one who cared for the Painkiller era stuff). In fact, it's just dawning on me now, but Priest hasn't done anything essential since the 80s.....that's 20 years for cripes sake. Sorry for rant.......but it is sort of like Diary of a Madman vs. Ozzy's later stuff....there's just no real comparison. Not utterly terrible, but not quite stunning either. It seems unlikely at this point that they will make an amazing album......though I will settle for catchy. Man oh man did I try to like Angel of Retribution....but aside from the title track it just never seemed to take off for me.
Consuming Impulse said:
i liked angel of retribution.

It seems to be hit or miss with most people. No real in between on that one, I think. It couldn't say I believed it to be objectively bad or anything....only that it didn't appeal to me and what I hoped they'd put across on the reunion. Plus, well, I just felt the songs were not up to snuff on my favorite Priest stuff anyway. But I don't think I could ever say I thought it was a stinker or anything....
ElectricWiz said:
Well, I'll go on the negative side here and say that, judging by Angel of Retribution anyway, Priest has kinda lost the plot. Symphonic or not, I just hope the writing is better than that album - but I've a fear it won't be. If you look at the last several albums....well....none of 'em were very good. Sure, Ripper was there as a handicap of sorts (not a bad singer, but not Priest), but it was still Priest writing (minus Rob).

We'll see man, but I just don't know. Saxon and Maiden have both managed to move into the now with a tight grasp on the past. Lionheart, Killing Ground, Brave New World, Dance of Death....all good examples of bands firing on all cylinders. Angel of Retribution, while not terrible, was kind of a satire on Priest somehow.

We'll see, but if this album is "not so good," then I will probably give up on Priest all together. The absolute truth (for me) is that they've been spotty since Turbo - and brother, that was a LONG time ago (me not being one who cared for the Painkiller era stuff). In fact, it's just dawning on me now, but Priest hasn't done anything essential since the 80s.....that's 20 years for cripes sake. Sorry for rant.......but it is sort of like Diary of a Madman vs. Ozzy's later stuff....there's just no real comparison. Not utterly terrible, but not quite stunning either. It seems unlikely at this point that they will make an amazing album......though I will settle for catchy. Man oh man did I try to like Angel of Retribution....but aside from the title track it just never seemed to take off for me.

As usual, i find myself agreeing with every word you write! "Angel" is spotty, at best. Recent Maiden and Saxon completelly own it. I will reserve final judgement for the finished product, but I really, really have a hard time thinking that this record will join the pantheon of Priest releases.

Of course, I hope they prove me wrong.
ElectricWiz said:
We'll see, but if this album is "not so good," then I will probably give up on Priest all together. The absolute truth (for me) is that they've been spotty since Turbo - and brother, that was a LONG time ago (me not being one who cared for the Painkiller era stuff). In fact, it's just dawning on me now, but Priest hasn't done anything essential since the 80s.....that's 20 years for cripes sake.
Surely you're including Turbo in your spotty comment...'cause that album sucked, imo. But, they redeemed themselves big time with Painkiller in '90, which kicked all kinds of ass, imo. Then, Rob is gone until '05, so it is kinda hard to piss on them for not do anything worthwhile since way back when. To me it was as if the band broke up, after Halford left...the Ripper years don't count.

I have learned a long time ago not to go into albums with preconceived ideas of how it should sound. I always try to take each album on it's own merits and not judge one album by it's predecessors. So I will with this one also...a new direction, or element, to the Priest sound might be just what the doctor ordered.
Consuming Impulse said:
i liked angel of retribution.
I liked Ram it Down, Robs voice was at its peak accompanied with some awesome metal riffs:headbang: but AoR left me cold.
I like AOR but i found it a weak comeback for the almighty Priest with Halford. I didn't like the Owens era but wasn't his fault it was the bad composition of Tipton having is mind (ass) deep into mallcore territory, which is time is pretty unexplanable to me since his solo albums are very good stuff.

I agree a 100% with Saxon one of the few bands that managed to keep alive after 25+ years and keep delivering as good metal as day one, which I can't say from Iron Maiden in a long time.

I like "Turbo" and to me wasn't as bad for a Priest album as "Poitn Of Entry", "Jugulator" or "Demolition". And yes it was "glamished" Priest but it was still straight metal. My problem with the symphonic issue (good surprise or not) is that I like Priest for being old school metal all the way. If I want some symphonical thingie I will go with Rhapsody :ill: or stay with true symphonic rock like old Pink Floyd :worship:

I hope they really come with something cool, but for me I want my Judas Priest only one way...defending the faith! :headbang:

NP: Uriah Heep - Poet's Justice
Wyvern said:
I like AOR but i found it a weak comeback for the almighty Priest with Halford. I didn't like the Owens era but wasn't his fault it was the bad composition of Tipton having is mind (ass) deep into mallcore territory, which is time is pretty unexplanable to me since his solo albums are very good stuff.

I agree a 100% with Saxon one of the few bands that managed to keep alive after 25+ years and keep delivering as good metal as day one, which I can't say from Iron Maiden in a long time.

I like "Turbo" and to me wasn't as bad for a Priest album as "Poitn Of Entry", "Jugulator" or "Demolition". And yes it was "glamished" Priest but it was still straight metal. My problem with the symphonic issue (good surprise or not) is that I like Priest for being old school metal all the way. If I want some symphonical thingie I will go with Rhapsody :ill: or stay with true symphonic rock like old Pink Floyd :worship:

I hope they really come with something cool, but for me I want my Judas Priest only one way...defending the faith! :headbang:

NP: Uriah Heep - Poet's Justice

I agree with 99% of this post!
I find "Turbo" to be much better than most say - although it is weaker than most Priest records that came before it. "Reckless" is simply a classic Priest track!