Judas Priest Confused By Resurgence

Some bands, like AC/DC release very similar albums for their career, but most bands evolve. Some get better, some worse, and some just get different, but bands and music evolve.


The question at hand will be, do we want it to evolve?
If the fans liked elements of a bands first album, so the band moves closer to that sound and further from other things they had going on then they aren't doing it for themselves.
I think music is an art form and it should be written and played for purely selfish reasons because I think if you cater your songwriting/playing to someone else, you lose your integrity as an artist. That is just my opinion, but that is the way I look at it.

I agree 100 percent. Look at Frank Zappa, for example.
That question is best left up to one's self. I am 40 years old, yet I am always open to new things. Hawk is older than me, but he retired from the Oldschool moderator position because he felt he outgrew being an "oldschool" moderator considering that he liked to focus on a little more newer music.
There is no right or wrong answer to anything about music. It is simply opinion. I love oldschool music or I simply wouldn't be here, but the truth is that I have to have both old and new to be satisfied. To answer the question you asked...... yes ALL of us want it to evolve. It does evolve, but some want it to evolve faster than others if that makes sense.


The question at hand will be, do we want it to evolve?
yes ALL of us want it to evolve.


You see there's a difference between us. I don't want to evolve, I like Motorhead because is has practically not evolved since the debut. I like Saxon who has evolved little since the NWOBHM days, I like Sentenced after they evolved from being a death band into a depressive metal band but I like the fact that the sound from "Down" to "The Funeral Album" is the same. So I prefer stability.

Like you mentioned Hawk wanted to evolve and quitted, I don't want to evolve so I stay. If the forum evolves to a point I'm not longer confortable with, I will pass the torch to someone else and retire. :D
I don't know how to answer that question.

I like to bring up important topics to my metal-head friends and I am a deep thinker, but I am no guru about the intentions of bands. My post was a statement that was generalized, but what I perceive to be true.
I personally believe that if you are a songwriter, then you write songs that does whatever you want to accomplish. To hell with your fans....... as long as it comes from your heart and soul.
You can acquire other fans if you are writing from the heart.


If the fans liked elements of a bands first album, so the band moves closer to that sound and further from other things they had going on then they aren't doing it for themselves.
You can acquire other fans if you are writing from the heart.


True and so on the light of that we shouldn't bash Metallica or Def Leppard or any other band that supposedly sold out anymore, because they acquired fans after the downfall isn't it?

Scary notion but truth indeed, that's a reminder all of us are expendable, someone will filll the gap we leave.
I got Nostradamus not too long ago and i reckon it is absolutely epic. I love it its awesome everyone who likes priest should get it! It's certainly different to the Priest we're all used to but it's in no way inferior. I don't know if you have the album yet but i highly recommend it, its awesome!
Ha ha ha that is a question best left up to the individual. I think the new Priest album may be a little too extreme for me personally. I am not saying I like the new release, but rather taking up for the comments Rob/Glenn (don't remember which) made. It is their decision to make whatever release they see fit. That doesn't mean we have to support their efforts, but it is their right. We simply choose to buy it or not.


The question at hand will be, do we want it to evolve?
Ha ha ha that is a question best left up to the individual. I think the new Priest album may be a little too extreme for me personally. I am not saying I like the new release, but rather taking up for the comments Rob/Glenn (don't remember which) made. It is their decision to make whatever release they see fit. That doesn't mean we have to support their efforts, but it is their right. We simply choose to buy it or not.


I'd like to buy you a beer if I ever meet you
Ha ha ha thank you very much. I don't know what I said that was so special. I am just a redneck from Alabama. I come here because I love metal music (certainly including oldschool) and try to be a good participant in the forum, but every once in a while people seem to really like posts I make. I am truly humbled that I can make good posts, but I am not some kind of guru at posting, I was just blessed with expressing myself well with the English language.
You know what they call people who can speak two languages ? Bi-lingual. People that can speak three or more languages are multi-lingual. Do you know what they call people who speak only one language ? ........ American. Ha ha ha. The guys in here that are speaking a language not of their native tongue are the smart ones, not me.


I'd like to buy you a beer if I ever meet you