Judge my Christmas mix

Matt Smith

Jun 11, 2004
Athens, GA
Hey Guys--
This will probably be too gay for some of you (heh heh), but I guess I'll risk it...
We do a Metal Christmas song around this time of year, and this year we did "Little Drummer Boy". If any of you want to give any thoughts on the mix, I would certainly appreciate it. You can find it here.

I think it's cool. There's nothing weak about Christamas songs, especially if they're METAL! Great playing and great mix!
Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. They're actually playing it on the radio here, pretty crazy. We did a kinda funny (IMO) "making of" video that some of you may find entertaining since it's studio-related. It's a pretty big file, but you can see that here if you're interested.

Thanks again.
Well, I got my first taste of radio DESTROYING dynamic range today! I always thought those producers were exaggerating a little bit and kinda whiny, but MAN...I heard "Little Drummer Boy" on the radio this morning, and it was ridiculous how mangled it was! The drums were almost gone, and the little details like freaking REVERB were brought way up. So I ended up with a song with buried drums, and enough reverb on the snare to sound straight out of the mid-80s. Crazy man, crazy!!
Sure, there was really nothing tricky at all with the acoustic. That's my Alvarez 12-string, not a really expensive guitar at all but I think it sounds great. Miked it with an Oktava MK-012 (cheap mics, crappy quality control, but I think they're a steal for the money...used them for overheads too). It was somewhere off the 12-ish fret, maybe a foot back (or a little closer). Two takes, panned hard left and right, no processing at all except for filtering off the bottom (everything below 200 or 150). No other EQ, no comp, no verb.

No offense taken...I know, I'm a total dork!!

