Judgement - Best Album?

I also think that "judgement" is the best Anathema album, maybe coz it's the purest one (like sound)... very melodic, but I still miss the desparating suicidal feelings into the lyrics...BTW the piano parts and acoustics are BRILLIANT... I wish that the new album will have more like them!! And the vocs will be that straight and pure...
judgement was my zeus album for the last 2 or 3 years, until i recently discarded the idea of 'favourite' music completely as a nazi ideal. i guess the guys don't want to talk about it because of the ..... guy who played .... guitar - at least partially? (not to dig out dead dog doo-do, don't)
Originally posted by Strangelight

It may well do but thats not the point.
Anyway, enough:o

You know, you're a cool person, I didn't realize up to now that you are Antimatter Duncan.... don't worry, doesn't matter if we even have different opinions, I'm used to be hated LOL, besides, I like new Metallica, and think the loads are better than most of their previous albums, how can something like that mark me in the community of metalheads? :grin:
Originally posted by nogs00
it is interesting that anathema was not pleased with
what we got from Judgement. danny posted
this here in ultimatemetal and i find it
quite amazing. Judgement is also
my favorite, almost tying alt4.

that is just about as crazy as Mike
not being really that into Morningrise.
oh well, who will ever understand this shit. :o

i see what you mean but how do you know that about mike? he is NOT into morningrise?????
Originally posted by Strangelight

Would you listen to an album that someone who played on it had bummed your dog and then went around telling everyone it was you?

(hypothetical, of course:o )

nice metaphor... he'll get what he deserves. He now runs around wearing corpsepaint which doesn't make him look better :grin: