Judgement - Best Album?

Hey sorry to change the subject.. Judgement is perhaps the only Anathema album I cannot listen to any more.. I mean I play it but seldom.. main reason is tghat when I first listened to it, 3 years ago, it happened that I had not any other CDs with me and I was listening ti it for 3-4 months in repeat... Yes, I know most of the lyrics by heart now...

..all great songs they are but Wings of God for some reason hasbeen my favourite since the day I first listened to that album...

..I also feel a little strange everytime I listen to Destiny Is Dead because I used to be meself in a band back in summer'96 called Destiny Dead (though the 'music' (unfortunately) had very little in common with Anathema's music) :zzz:
Sez Strangelight : Ah! So you were a speccy lad as well?

Sort of, my parents would never of bought us fancy computers when we were young...too expensive :cry:

but I hung out with my my cuz all the time and he had a speccy 48k. The bastard always beat me in games like Way of the exploding fist cos he had so much more practice time then me :mad:
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Oh pleeeease! I hate it when people say "this is metal - this is not metal" etc.. :p
As someone famous once said (I don't remember who - sorry): "There are only two kinds of music - Good and Bad". So who cares if it is metal or not... Anathema's music kicks ass and that's what's important! :grin:

Take care!

hey, dying swan, i put it wrong and you are absolutely right...
i mean, judgement to MY ears is more metal than the other albums. still, i love it.
:rolleyes: that's all, see ya...
Originally posted by Tri||ian
hey, dying swan, i put it wrong and you are absolutely right...
i mean, judgement to MY ears is more metal than the other albums. still, i love it.
:rolleyes: that's all, see ya...
Hehehe... You misunderstood me... I never said that judgement is metal. Nor did I say that it is not metal. All I said was that I don't care whether it is metal or not. What I care about is that I LOVE Judgement, I LOVE Alt. 4, I LOVE Anathema.

Take care :)
Originally posted by Don Corleone
alt. 4 is the greatest of all. a masterpiece. though i love every single fucking album ('cept the ones with darren on vox).
I can't but agree with this, except the comment on Darren's vocals, Serenades is an excellent album too. The Silent Enigma is their least good album i.m.o...
Originally posted by Dying_Swan
Oh pleeeease! I hate it when people say "this is metal - this is not metal" etc.. :p
As someone famous once said (I don't remember who - sorry): "There are only two kinds of music - Good and Bad". So who cares if it is metal or not... Anathema's music kicks ass and that's what's important! :grin:

Take care!

I think it was Lemmy from Motorhead, not?

@Strangeligh: White Russian... mm this is not the drink of the Big Lewoski? Fuck never let me enter on the cocktails world .. I sure will commit alcohol suicide... they have too much good flavor !

About my faves Anathema albums: Eternity, Alt4, AFDTE. Judgement rocks but lacks of something IMO. Maybe the arrangements are not as gorgeous as on the other albums?? Really don't know.
Originally posted by Duende

@Strangeligh: White Russian... mm this is not the drink of the Big Lewoski? Fuck never let me enter on the cocktails world .. I sure will commit alcohol suicide... they have too much good flavor !

Then you should never ever try those Crazy barmans specials we tasted at Crete. Quite good and boy it made me pretty drunk that monday evening :grin:
Originally posted by Duende
I think it was Lemmy from Motorhead, not?
Noo... It was someone Greek. But I am not sure if Lemmy has said it as well...
Originally posted by Duende
About my faves Anathema albums: Eternity, Alt4, AFDTE. Judgement rocks but lacks of something IMO. Maybe the arrangements are not as gorgeous as on the other albums?? Really don't know.
(Ive said this like 1000 times, but there's no harm for me saying it again) For me the only flaw in any of the Anathema albums is Pressure in AFDtE. All the other albums (and every song on AFDtE apart from Pressure) are just... Perfect!! :eek: :eek:

Take care :)
I like it too, what's wrong with it? Sure, the first time I started to listen to the AFDtE it came as a kind-of-shock, but a good one. It (pressure) somehow remainds me of one Nick Cave song - same chords or something. First impression was Radiohead mixed with that Cave song...

It doesn't sound like that anymore, now that I'm "used" to it. And now I'm just babling too much.