June 6, 2009 - International Day of Slayer


New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2009
Originally inspired by the National Day of Prayer that religious groups created to draw attention to their beliefs, the National Day of Slayer was thought to be a holiday on June 6, 2006 -- that's 6/6/06 -- but now it has grown.


Thanks to support and enjoyment around the world, the National Day of Slayer is now the INTER-National Day of Slayer, and it happens every year on June 6 starting at hour six. On this day, metalheads worldwide stop the pointless activities of a boring world and listen to Slayer.

International Day of Slayer is bigger than one nation, or even one band. It's a celebration of metal music through one of its most articulate spokesbands. It's also revelry in the spirit that makes metal great. So on June 6, stop everything... and listen to SLAYER!

6 days before my birthday

funny thing is, I was born exactly 6 years, 6 months, and 6 days after my mom and biological father married. I guess it was just fate that I'd be into metal.
International Day of Slayer post at HESSIAN:

http://www.hessian .org/heavy_metal/2009/05/13/international-day-of-slayer-a-hessian-call-to-arms/

Next June 6, 2009, every hessian worldwide will be blasting the Slayer album(s) of his/her choice at the home, car, backyard, public square, school, work, daycare center, church, etc.

For years known as the National Day of Slayer, this celebration became so popular with hessians all over the planet that from this year on it will become International.

We should all work to make this year’s celebration as the biggest one yet. Here’s a number of things you can do in addition to listening to Slayer at full volume:

- Wear Slayer t-shirts and related armor.
- Organize Slay-in parties with local hessians.
- Take your Slayer LPs out and show them around the city.
- Talk with local DJs about making Slayer specials for this day.
- Make Slayer banners and organize manifestations in public places.
- Print flyers explaining to common people what makes Slayer the best band in the whole world. Put them up on all public places.
- Explain to all people who ask just what the hell is wrong with you, you psycho, what this day is about.

On this most glorious day, make sure that you wave the Hessian official flag. Join us in this massive celebration of metal’s values!
I got the news that for this date many will organize Slay-in parties in their respective localities.

If you are planning one for your town or city, please send me a message using Hessian's contact form (http://www.hessian .org/metal/contact/). All the locations will be posted for promotion this weekend on the main page of Hessian .org. I got so far one for Madison, WI.

In other news: http://www.hessian .org/heavy_metal/2009/05/18/idos-task-force-send-us-president-a-petition-to-make-june-6-a-hessian-holiday/

And: International Day of Slayer banner @ Slayerized.com