June Tour update

But the show for Camden Underworld is still on, right? Coz I am seriously thinking of going to visit my sisters in London for the holidays, and if I could combine two great things, that would be ... well, great.
Great! Is there any chance of perhaps getting to meet you after the show, you know, so I can thank you for possibly the best power metal album since Keepers 2, and maybe take a photo or two? I'm feeling very fan-ish here, but that's what I am, I guess!
gyre said:
Great! Is there any chance of perhaps getting to meet you after the show, you know, so I can thank you for possibly the best power metal album since Keepers 2, and maybe take a photo or two? I'm feeling very fan-ish here, but that's what I am, I guess!
Of course! We'll be hanging out watching the other two bands as well as after the show. It'll be great to meet you mate!:headbang: