Just a new song idea (death metal)

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
So, I can't play guitar even to save my life, I just can't manage a pick, I've always played bass since I was a little kid with fingers and developed all techniques with fingers. So I had some ideas for a song in my head and decided to record it (lol), so I picked up my cousin's guitar which is a cheap ass ltd with a really old set of .10s strings and tuned it to B :D with shit pickups, not to mention plugged into my fast track pro. So I don't have a bass that can go as low as B so I pitch shifted guitar.

So this is extreeemellly sloppy, programmed drums in 10 mins and rough mixed in 10 mins

https://files.getdropbox.com/u/617922/new project new song.mp3

This is just for shit and giggles, although I'm serious about the writing, not so on the me playing guitar part : p