Some death metal or whatever ye call it

Aug 16, 2008
London, UK
Just a little fun I had, was writing new stuff for our band with my guitar player so we recorded this, with guitars and bass directly into my Fasttrack pro, used wagner sharp for guitars, although both instruments had reaaaally old strings, I was quite surprised with the wagner sharp sound, just took some time to remove static noise and DC hum 'cause my house's electricity is the shit. So this is just for teh fun, didn't really took almost anytime in this as you can even see with drum programming and untight playing, all was done in one run


Updated mix a bit
Listening with headphones right now but it definitely sounds pretty good. Everything is very clear sounding. I'm usually not really into death metal all that much but you got some pretty cool riffs in there.

BTW how do you like the Fast Track Pro? I'm thinking about getting an Ultra and was wondering what kind of experience you've had with the Pro.
Well, I must be honest, the converters are not exactly top quality obviously, I read somewhere they have pretty low gain so even recording guitars and reamping them wouldn't turn out the best it could be, I only have it because I can't afford any better right now. I believe the Ultra is almost the same right? Perhaps a firewire would be your best bet, since this crap is usb 2.0 :p
Yeah I can't afford much either. But I can get the Ultra for around $280 and that'll break me. I don't expect it to be anything amazing but it's got to be better than my behringer mixer that I'm currently using. Plus the Ultra works with Pro Tools which is nice. FireWire isn't an option for me unfortunatley since my Macbook(non-pro) has the agere chipset. Sorry to hijack your thread a little but I was curious.
Hey, no problem! I have to say, I actually like the fast track, I (obviously) wish I could afford something better, but it has served me well as off now, and yeah, it does work with PT M-powered which is nice, but non existing ADC has put my off from PT, only if I had money for a HD rig : p
I seem to have a problem, I don't see anyway in having the subdrop not distorting the mix (specially cymbals) without having it present... truth is, my bx5a are pretty weak on the low end, I updated the mix because I heard on my car and it was bass fest everywhere, where as here it didn't seem that bass heavy... Does anyone knows any tips on having the subdrop not distorting the mix while having it still pretty present?