Just an update for everyone on my personal Maidens' projects..

Mr Toast

Aug 1, 2002
Hey Jen/Linda/Jojo/Sara/Wanda and all you forum peeps!

Here is a friendly update on a few projects currently on hold in Toastland.

The updated "Which Iron Maidens' member are you most like" survey is in limbo. The gals have been extremely busy, so the only one who had time to sent me answers to the new batch of questions was Eddie... (I understand gals - no need to apologize!)

I had hoped to complete the Elf Maidens series, but alas the mood has not struck Mel to get me more sketches. I could attempt to do the sketches myself, but I like Mel's style much better and would much prefer to have her do them (i.e. my sketching skills are questionable at best). Also, Mel is the big Elfquest fan, hence her inspiration to do the first two sketches. But as she is now pursuing other endeavors, this project may never be continued...

Three portraits are currently on my to do list (and are in varying stages of completion), and there are some other works I need to go back to at some point. Many of my current works (in various stages of completion) can of course be seen on my personal website:

My Maidens' gallery (same gallery is listed in my sig below)
Some of my more recent works here

It made me extremely happy that one of my pieces found usefulness recently! One of the forum peeps from NY apparently used my "Maidens Storm NYC" piece for a stage pass/flyer or somesuch. Yay!!!

Finally, real life has taken precedence - and the music bug bit me again - so don't expect any new pieces for a while. I do want to do more at some point, but I have found that when the mood strikes I need to go with it, and getting my music project done is very important to me. Now if only I could find a metal/rock/prog guitarist under a rock or something to do a few licks for me...

Well, back to the recording thing! Thanks for all the good words/inpsiration you continue to send my way people!
Jeff Milne said:
You mean under a rock in TN?

You see my dilemma... can you say twang?!?

I'm sort of working around this little problem for the moment, but I hope to bring a talented guitarist onboard eventually...

The current project is rather high energy - but some of my more recent creations/distractions seem more suited for another, mellower project. Ah, well - multitalented comes at a price I guess!

As soon as I get something far enough along for public consumption I'll put up some samples for people to listen to. Dustin was pretty impressed with one of my tracks (I had a beta CD with me at the time), but it is still a little rough around the edges...

Oh, and Jen, no apology was necessary but I appreciate your concern!

Ugh, I have an ugly headache!